Embrace it and encourage the conversation - it’s when they don’t tell you what they’re doing online and who they’re doing it with that you’ve got a problem
Embrace it and encourage the conversation - it’s when they don’t tell you what they’re doing online and who they’re doing it with that you’ve got a problem
Exactly. The key thing is the differentiation of sex (biology) and gender (social). A bathroom for women can be used by all women, even those who happen to have male bodies. It also clarifies the difference between transsexual and transgender - most transgender people are not transsexual.
Men/women - gender (social). Male, female - sex (biology). It’s very simple, just use the right one depending on the context.
That pushed me over the edge to subscribe to the print edition
What are they starting to do that is shady and why do you think don’t respect privacy? (I couldn’t see anything on the document you mentioned)
I think that’s exactly how it’s going to work - you can’t force all ‘fake’ sources to have signatures- it’s too easy to make one without one for malicious reasons. Instead you have to create trusted sources of real images. Much easier and more secure
Truly awful
If you’re using a webpage JavaScript can see your mouse cursor and anything you type. But only if the browser has focus. So if you’re typing in another window it can’t
It doesn’t.
Night’s Dawn Trilogy, Peter F Hamilton. Better than his later stuff in my opinion
I have family members who suffer from several mental health issues - depression, anxiety and related. They have all found exercise helpful. Doesn’t really matter what kind- yoga, cross fit, swimming, running - just establish a routine, do it a few times a week. It made a big difference for them (or going for a walk - what ever works for your fitness/health level)
Not a good summary
I nearly threw out a pixel 3 thinking the usb c port had worn out- in fact it had just got gummed up with fluff. A quick dig around with a pin (no shorting risk - checked) got it all and restored the port. Phone still going strong, but I do need to that about once a year
It’s not outsourcing if they’re employed by your company, just remote working - they’ll be the employee and the company can care for them as much. They’ll just be more productive because of lower cost of living where they happen to live. If your job can be done fine 100% why would they ever change it back? Remote working isn’t the same as insource/outsource
Exactly - it’s the calibre and competence - and implicit in your comment is the idea the person from India isn’t as good. This isn’t my experience- I know plenty of amazing engineers from India. And it’s not outsourcing if they’re employed by the company- it’s just the job currently done by you.
If your job really can be done as well 100% from home (as many people insist) then you’ve got a problem - because that means it can be done as well 100% from home by some onefrom India or similar and they’ll be cheaper. Be careful what you wish for.
I’m of the view that actually this isn’t true for a lot of jobs, particular anything that involves interacting in a team, just people wish it was.
I’m sorry you haven’t met one (or recognised it when you did). They exist
I have had two. It is exhausting - parenting is hard work. One thing I found helpful was to put a positive spin on it whenever possible (not always possible!). If it’s any consolation I’ve found my memory wonderfully selective over the years - a few happy memories of then as babies for example, when I know for sure there was a lot of missed nights sleep and frustration. It’s also kind of satisfying when they get older and it looks like you didn’t do a bad job of it.
Hang in there!