This seems like a flaw in the post and not my answers ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Owner of
This seems like a flaw in the post and not my answers ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Fuck sphere, marry antiprism, kill dodecahedron.
And you get some delicious orange juice after!
I don’t know if I would call it lying per-se, but yes I have seen instances of AI’s being told not to use a specific tool and them using them anyways, Neuro-sama comes to mind. I think in those cases it is mostly the front end agreeing not to lie (as that is what it determines the operator would want to hear) but having no means to actually control the other functions going on.
Yup, heard about it a week or two ago. Found it installed on my Samsung phone, it never asked for permissions or gave any info that it was added to my phone.
I think what OP is trying to say is that people in their age range will end up being the last of those people, ie. the internet was one of their earliest memories and that happened to be right as it took off. A similar example from my age range, we will probably be the last to remember the WTC attacks as they happened. It’s one of the earliest memories I have. Not me specifically, unless I am graced with an incredibly long life, but someone around my age who is.
Just last week actually. I was visiting my parents and we were having dinner with the radio on. I started talking about how I was learning the piano and had most of The Scientist by Coldplay learned, and how I like the piano part in the song a lot. And as I finished talking, it came on the radio, just perfect timing. I actually thought the smart speaker somehow picked up on me saying the song name but nope, definitely was just good timing on the radio station.
Yeah, there are a few options for cable covers but none that I think would be great here. Expando loom will stop cable abrasions, but probably not cat teeth. There’s split loom, but that is quite rigid and I think cats could bite through it still with enough will power. There are metal cable sleeves, but these usually aren’t for physical protection and are braided in the same way that makes expando loom a not great solution. I would try what someone else mentioned first and try coating the cable in a bitterant.
It’s just the chassis, screen, battery, and keyboard. You would just buy one of their boards separately to go in it, or make one yourself I suppose.
This is such an unrealistic and unfair depiction of this. Trump would never ask someone for permission to continue golfing.
TCAS doesn’t give resolution advisories (alerts that say to climb or descend to avoid traffic) below 1000’. It does have a warning noise still, but from my understanding it’s common for it to go off on approach due to all the other aircraft around and on the ground at the airport, so it may have been ignored.
This is entitely on brand for Bitcoin Cash from what I remember years ago when the split happened. I wouldn’t go so far as to call it a scam coin, but the community was very sketchy.
I’m not sure whats worse, pizza or my bonus.
My Christmas bonus:
Ah the Trevor Jacob approach to aviation.
It’s CFIT, controlled flight into terrain.
Shit, is that where I’ve been going wrong?
Like I get we don’t know everything at this point, but a lot of comments saying it could be an accident seem to be glossing over the fact the guy shot himself in the head just before it blew up.
I saw it this summer while on a trip, the British Museum is massive.
Pretty sure he did say Adam and Moose.
I may be kinky, but not dodecahedron levels of kinky.