Ah gotcha. I’m kind of enjoying just hanging with regular people being regular on mastodon. Probably check out bluesky at some point.
Thanks for the info!
Ah gotcha. I’m kind of enjoying just hanging with regular people being regular on mastodon. Probably check out bluesky at some point.
Thanks for the info!
Haven’t been following Blue sky stuff at all. Any reason to use this over mastodon?
Right on, I rejoined IRC during the COVID shutdowns. It’s just nice to be chatting somewhere where a company isn’t flooding me with advertisements and/or harvesting my data (that I can tell at least).
That’s some OG shit there! I still remember my number. It was an 8 digit haha
I hear you. When I was a teen, Internet was:
A handful of focused websites or your buddies geocities / angelfire site.
Chatting in crazy chat rooms on IRC, and having your close friends on ICQ.
Using a dial up modem to play doom, Warcraft 2, red alert, duke nukem, quake, StarCraft, total annihilation… etc.
Those were fun times. Felt like the bleeding edge of tech… hiding out and having fun in places people haven’t even heard of.
Pop OS is the whole reason I stayed on linux :) Lots of failed linux experiments in its wake previous to that haha
I finally jumped onto the linux train after the rumour that windows 11 was going to have ads right in windows explorer. I’m glad it never happened but now that i’m on linux for my main PC… i see no reason to go back.
new versions of windows just kind of feel like new phones now. It’s good but… who cares?
I can remember as a teen and upgrading from windows 98 to XP felt like jumping into the future.
Or, more recently, getting the first samsung galaxy after having a basic candybar phone.
Just seems like more of the same all while charging an arm and a leg for it.
I’m going to guess that MS AI determined the food bank is a tourist destination because it learned that more and more people are going there due to the rising costs of … everything. It also probably learned that people don’t like starving to death.
Can’t remember the exact quote but it was something to the tune of “you don’t have to know how a toilet works to crap in one but it might help you appreciate it more”. I feel its applicable here.
Huh I always thought ventoy was just another iso to usb writer. I’ve been totally sleeping on the fact it can hold a bunch of isos and installs them directly. That’s so handy