I think that’s covered by “Don’t trust other companies”. You just need a business internet line with a static IP to host your own stuff in your house.
I think that’s covered by “Don’t trust other companies”. You just need a business internet line with a static IP to host your own stuff in your house.
Store your own shit on your own Linux server. Don’t trust other companies. Use industry standard libraries like OpenSSH, LUKS.
this is the way
This kind of idea has been floating around for a while but it takes a really smart person a decent amount of time to get a proof of concept off the ground that will excite other people and create momentum.
Your idea is a little nieve and could be accomplished in much more efficient ways using things like hashes and checksums. A new p2p protocol would need to be developed for the use case of real time messaging and historical message histories.
There are already some concept peer to peer messaging apps that use wireless to create mesh networks for the scenario of total internet or power collapse.
Your character is at full power from day 1, so you only get stronger by learning to play better. The naval combat can take a bit of time to master but it’s fun. The only thing you get for playing a long time are cosmetics. If you want to get sweaty with PvP then you can find a group on the SoT discord. Otherwise, for more casual play you can sail solo or join other players using the open crew matchmaking system. I have around 1700 hours in the game and it’s just as fun as when I started.
Sea of thieves.
You get to talk to people. It can be a grind if you want. Or PvP if you want. Or just fishing and relaxing if you want. It has matured nicely and is still popular.
All creatures, including humans, possess instinctual knowledge. This is stuff we are born with. For instance: fear of snakes, or estinating how much protein is in our food by taste. Some of our instinctual knowledge is about mate selection since procreation is a very important goal for a species. We use our nose to detect if others are a good immune system match, and we use our eyes to see if they are sick or unhealthy and also assess their ability to nurture children. That last part is where the boobs come in. They make breast milk and so they are a feature that gives pleasure to see. There is no choice about it. We like what we like because of our genetic programming.
Let me tell you about borrow return policy at libraries and the associated fines for late returns and how to find something using the dewey decimal classification system. Fun times!
They would have to choose between their mobile phones and electronic warfare protection systems that could possibly stop a drone. Add some security guards and you have some locked down unhappy rich people, which makes me happy.
True and besides that, they might just have bugs or inaccuracies that could make them think their owner is a target. Humans are much safer for now.
That’s perfectly reasonable
At least in most democratic countries you can’t just bribe the politicians legally. That helps a lot.
This is exactly how I have always thought about it too. Pure greed. My father ran a company for 35 years and for 3 of those years he took either no payout or a very small payout so that he didn’t have to let anyone go. I asked him why he didn’t just downsize and he said that other people needed the money more than us. That’s how shit needs to be run. People centric not profit driven.
A gift card for a shop that sells cringe stuff only
The first multi-player lobby over battlenet. Epic lore, great gameplay, created an entire genre.
Claude sonnet 3.5 and GPT 4o are good for coding
We are made of star stuff, just like rocks, but we are curious and can learn. We are a way for the universe to know itself. We process matter with our industry and our digestive systems.
Just like a spider knows how to spin a web without being taught, we carry instinctual knowledge, but we also carry cultural knowledge from our life experiences. We are like organic computers. Emotions are a different way to solve problems when our logic fails.
True. That was a CVE 10 vulnerability. But unless you are going to airgap your system, I think using these ubiquitous libraries is as good as we can get to being safe.