They can’t, that’s why they keep dying in car crashes
They can’t, that’s why they keep dying in car crashes
It’s on Netflix and I cannot express enough how much I adore this show
Tho those complicated outcome trends can have issues with things like minorities having worse health outcomes due to a history of oppression and poorer access to Healthcare. Will definitely need humans overseeing it cause health data can be misleading looking purely at numbers
That article is a wild. Feels like we are in a story with terrible foreshadowing and retcons
I don’t have any great answers, only jumping off points.
But maybe something religious that looks like a utility? Crosses wouldn’t work cause they are way too ubiquitous. Gotta be something weirdly distributed.
Or maybe some sort of holiday decoration? Holidays have so much wierd lore that just wouldn’t make sense outside current society. Not sure what exactly it would be tho but feels like fertile ground
Looks like SpaceX is already the launch provider for it
Fuck. Good point. Guess I’ll just have to come to peace with me being a hypocrite when it comes to what I find acceptable.
Only because I find these specific videos to be quite funny, maybe there can be a “satire/criticism of a public figure” exception that could exist
At this point, I’d rather someone compitent to completely fuck the government rather than musk
We are an empire that, when looking at history, is in it’s twilight years
Ain’t no way that isn’t supposed to look like meat
I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss reddit. I’d still be terminally there if apollo still existed
Indeed, we got a car seat cover/restraint combo this week. She’s my first big dog. I’ve only had 20lb dogs before. So definitely a case if learning by fire due to a lack of foresight
With dogs that big and only one person in the car, once you are on the road, if the dog decides to be somewhere, then they get to decide that. Just got a 70 lbs dog the other week and have learnt first hand how helpless you can be when they make a decision.
Artificial Superintelligence is a term that is getting banded about nowadays
Fuck it, I’m saying it, I’m less productive when I work from home. I get to fuck off easier and I do genuinely miss in person collaboration on complex problems.
That said, I’m probably never going to work another job that is more than 2 day hybrid. If every company in the world decided they would go back to 100% in person, I’d have to go back to working harder but as long as some companies care a tiny bit about the wellbeing of their workers, there will be this continuous push/pull of most companies wanting to squeeze every ounce of juice out of every worker.
Tech is a weird industry tho. There are some companies that just rely on churn and burn through employees (cough cough spacex cough cough amazon cough cough). I’m lucky to have ended up in a specific sector where there is a lot of attrition due to frustration so they kind of just deal with the fact that they aren’t gonna get 100% out of everyone.
All that is to say is that there are some interesting dynamics at play and I’ll hold the line, but there is a grain of truth in there but fuck capitalism, not everything has to be done as efficiently and as profitable as possible. Let people just live and work and chill
You can’t argue with that price. A new one will set you back 80-250 mil. Crazy that people are sleeping on opportunities like this
I mean, Jury’s can be forced to do their part so I guess I’m not too surprised that the other parts of the court system can have a compulsory component
I beleive it was just an Instagram post. Not from a porn or anything