There is nothing to get. It is even more basic than philosophy 101, yet it thinks it is some sort of insightful writing. It is cringe and embarrassing, kinda like a 15yo who just read a reddit post on /r/philosophy and then got high and wrote a movie script.
I do think it is a “so bad, it is actually good” kind of movie. It is almost like a sarcastic movie, making fun of pretentious movies. Maybe this will become the narrative in the future, especially once Coppola is dead.
It will become a cult classic, but not for the reasons Coppola wants.
Humans “i dont rape because i respect other humans”. Meanwhile nature …
And in before “but i need to eat”, you dont need to eat animal products. You can have a healthy life with a vegan diet, arguably an even healthier life. And to go back to my original point, just because you need to cum, doesnt mean that you have the right to cause suffering and death to other sentient beings.
Just masturbate. Just go vegan.