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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • Jeez the cursing and the insults ooo gosh I’ll never be able to recover. The super smart man on the Internet made fun of me hahahahahah.

    Still haven’t gotten a copy of the financials which breaks things out. So that would be a problem. After you find them you’ll have to add up some numbers. You might need a super computer for that hahahah.

    I haven’t laughed so much in so long. People getting so irrationally angry. So thank you for that. Honestly

  • Hahah yep there we go… You haven’t been using publicly available data cause as far as I can see you haven’t referenced any number from their financials once. If you want to know what their assets are worth without any fluff go right to their balance sheet and add some numbers from their last audited or quarterly fs. It’s so easy even you could do it. It’ll give you a ball park. Should take like 10 minutes and you’ll actually learn something and you’ll be able to argue with random people on the Internet and know what your talking about.

  • Me slow… I read all the words. Hence you can’t find anywhere I said Tesla was properly valued. I wasn’t whining about Tesla losing money. I don’t care. I said Tesla going to 0 wouldn’t hurt musk. You’ve said nothing to disprove that. Just gone on random rants. Again I never said I didn’t think Tesla was over valued. You clearly do and I never disagreed. You clearly need to read.

    Also your valuation is still wrong hahaha. You thinking Tesla should be $12 and being able to prove that out with a fact pattern are two different things. I’m assuming here but I’m guessing you’ve need read a financial report, never done a dcf, have no idea how to model an investment and don’t know what PE ratios actually means. That can all be true and I can still believe Tesla is overvalued.

  • I don’t think you understand how valuations work. Also it looks like you don’t read your own comments? Maybe you’re a bot?

    The market behaves like it should over the long run. How do you think so many people are able to make soo much money. The thing is Tesla is a highly valued stock. Like most other stocks with high PE ratios they have the potential to make a lot of money in the future. So people are taking a calculated risk. Investors aren’t basing their valuations off keyboard warriors in their mom’s basement. Read the financials and see why people value it higher than Ford and gmc. It’s in there. Do I personally agree no but others do. This same basic fact pattern applies to all companies.

    Based your theory above you should never invest in the market as there is no rhyme or reason why anything happens? Let me guess you’re one of those people who sits home all day blaming everyone else cause they have no job or money? You do you brooo

  • That’s a lot and totally irrelevant. Who here is arguing Tesla isn’t over valued? Not me.

    My point was that do you have a pension, 401k or some retirement funds? They you are partially invested in Tesla. Will you lose your shirt, no. Would Tesla going to 0 hurt you more then Musk, probably.

    Also dude Tesla releases financial statements. You can read them to find out exactly how it’s valued. That’s the point of them! All public companies do. Stop copying pasting from random website its not helpful nor did it add anything. Also Dutch tulip theory is a horrible comparison… Like what…

    I’m thinking you guys live in an echo chamber.

  • Why is it so hard to believe someone has been to Ukraine? like really? I’ve also been to Poland many times and have family there. Just FYI Ukraine borders Poland. Not really difficult traveling between the two. You may have never left Russia (I’ve been there too) but plenty of people travel to other countries this is not a rare thing. I’m sorry if you have not had the opportunity to travel but would highly recommend you do so. I think it would help you a lot.

    History is history and you can’t change it. Russia is the aggressor here (and in many other places, they have a pretty consistent playbook) it’s not really up for debate (though I’m sure you’ll continue to try).

  • The fact is that between February and March 2014, unmarked Russian soldiers occupied and blockaded the Simferopol International Airport, most of Ukraine’s Crimean military bases, and the Supreme Council of Crimea. The Kremlin stated that no Russian troops were active in the region, but many little green men were operating in this region while disguised as pro-Russian separatists.

    After two months of denial, on 17 April 2014, Russian president Vladimir Putin confirmed that the Russian military had been operating in Ukraine.

    So by Putin’s own account here, sending troops into Ukraine they of course started the war. All of which is conveniently left out of this article. Some great reporting here…

  • I’m not sure how anyone would read that article knowing anything about Ukraine and not immediately realize this article is biased and misleading. It is certainly bending the truth. I think only a stupid person would try and defend it.

    P.S. I’ve personally been to Ukraine and also know people who are currently there. So I’ll take my first person account over you or you’re purposely misleading article.