i love how there is no comment below 2 paragraphs
startpage, had the Best results for me in the last couple of months, much better then google. and the anonymous view feature is handy and neat
shouldn’t there be an abundance of energy if its hotter?
yeah apparently it randonly puts a lowpass of bandpass, the post title is an actual song on yt, i can only guess what they meant
proton is untrustable
proton is untrustable
i really respect that!
notice how they wrote billionaire and not Taylor, very good
they only meme about her because maga is afraif of her. why not bash billionairs in general if you care about the future of earth
then why specifically now and specifically her and not billionaires in general
they only meme on her because she is a danger to maga
they only meme about her because she is a danger to trump bot winning the election
yes, yes they are https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-style-ear-bandages-are-new-trend-republican-national-convention-2024-07-18/