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I last about 5 minutes when I go on there before the negativity starts hurting my head. That and I’m always under the impression it’s a bunch of bots.
For instance, someone will ask a stupid question like “isn’t that illegal?” and then a reply will follow stating the obvious but with an extremely negative tone. It’s just weird there. I’m pretty sure it’s mostly bots.
Dude! Another Heilung fan. I’m seeing them in April at Red Rocks in Colorado.
If your burrito doesn’t stay closed, the person making your burrito had no idea what the hell they were doing. This is a Chipotle problem.
My current state.
I’m going through a divorce and living in my mom’s guest bedroom.
The only thing keeping me going is the dream of my very own apartment. I’ve got quite a few shitty months ahead of me before that happens. I’m losing my house, my wife, my stepkid, and my three favorite cats in the world. I hate this, but it has to happen.
I bet I could beat that.
Definitely the band “Heilung.”
I refuse to listen to them outside of live at a concert. It’s old Nordic style viking goodness and the live shows are more of a ritual than a concert. When I go, I want a full immersive experience and I feel listening to them in between the concerts takes away from the experience.
I’m not saying she shouldn’t have complained about this. She has every right to, but complaining about it definitely made the problem a lot worse.
I’ll admit it. I’m one of them.
The report is in direct conflict with what I’ve seen and heard in the past about this method. It’s impossible to find right now on Google, but there was a documentary where someone subjects themselves to this method and it was the complete opposite of what’s being reported now.
I’m against the death penalty, btw, but if it has to be done, I believed this method was the most humane. I have to ask if it was 100% nitrogen or did they do what the justice system always does and run it through hundreds of iterations to actually make it worse, like 50% air, 50% nitrogen or something like that.
I’m going to shill for LifX here and not get paid for it. I swear.
They already made smart bulbs that you can set a “cleaning schedule” on that uses UV light.
I don’t have any yet because LifX is expensive. I have 11 of their multicolor bulbs throughout the house, though. Bought those back when I had bachelor guy money.
Welcome to the light side
It’s never a bad idea to instance block them. They’ll endlessly bully you and gang up like a bunch of school children. The only thing that stops it is to stop responding.
I think anyone close to losing it fucking lost it due to the pandemic. Everyone else just got a little worse.
We might as well just start calling them “features.” We all know Apple is about to.
That’s probably the best microwave dinner left on the planet if it doesn’t have freezer burn.
I don’t remember it, but my dad and I were going down a slide together when I was a toddler and he accidentally rolled over me and broke my leg, lol. I was only one at the time, apparently. I suppose I would’ve died then without any healing.
Ah, gotcha. I have to agree with the other person that responded to you. The type of recovery I’m talking about happened several years after being barefoot near 24/7. The foot shape actually changes, the muscles get stronger, skin gets thicker, etc.
A week going barefoot in a hostile environment with already damaged feet would just make them worse, like in your case.
What happened to you? Just curious and don’t want to disregard your experience. It helped me immensely.
Us bigger fellas take a while to feel the effects of cold weather. #justfatpeoplethings
Over 75 million people in this country are about to do that.
Don’t like it? Get out and vote.