Confirmed by Snopes.
Reddit refusnik.
Confirmed by Snopes.
I just enjoy it here.
Listonic works well for us.
I still operate a Gopher site. Gopher is surprisingly active in a niche kinda way.
Thats a great idea. I hate the political troll farm content pushed into my face on those platforms, when all I want to do is wish someone a happy birthday and get the hell out.
All superstition leads to fear and hate. We are on earth a short time. Why spend time, money and energy worshipping a fake god. The opportunity cost is immense.
Wha?? Duckduckgo is great. I love it. Get to know their bangs.
Authy killed their Windows app so its been on my mind. Im trying to use Roboform integrated mfa more, but i probably have 50 accounts in authy.
Signal quality all depends on where you live. An outdoor antenna will get the most channels (I get 44 channels). Most TVs now have a built in tv schedule app. Samsung TVs integrate ota program schedules into their free SamsungTV app.
My over-the-air tv antenna saves me $60/mo.
I assume its still absolutely impossible to migrate from one authenticator app to another without having to set it all up again?
Lying on my bed, my new dog will keep me warm on cool winter nights.
Way to help Ted Cruze and that little nazi governor. Wtf.
At least better in obvious ways that normies care about.
I wonder how does it.
“Did any user in the world want a user-tracking and ad platform baked directly into their browser? Probably not, but this is Google, and they control Chrome, and this probably still won’t make people switch to Firefox.”
Invanting new spellingz foe old werdz.
Have as much sex as you can right NOW!! Because by the time you are 43, its all over.
Checked it out. Smells like Twitter to me.
No thanks.
As an American, I have despaired every day since the election about where we are headed. My hope is that, as in past times when we have lost our collective minds, we will find a way to self correct. Know that nearly half of all voters did NOT want this direction and many will be mounting a vigorous fight against fascism. Its going ti be ugly, though. I also despair for Europe who are about to see their fascists voices amplified to a very high volume.