I think this might be the greatest comment I’ve seen.
frequently posts to lemmy.world/traditional_art
I think this might be the greatest comment I’ve seen.
Have you visited a website with an ad blocker recently?
Do you mean without an ad-blocker?
if you love non digital art. it’s mostly just paintings but sometimes features sculptures and other forms of physical artworks
the disparity between posters and subscribers is larger than expected.
in the community i moderate, there are just 2 consistent posters (including myself) and about 3000 subs, of which a good 150 seem to be active in total. that’s 0.05 of the aggregate subscribers.
I created [email protected] for this exact reason
I was asking for a toothpick but you gave me the whole swiss army knife! Thank you though. I’m a huge excel fan (was almost addicted at one point) but right now I’m just looking for a simple app to track a few petty allowances and this seems a little sophisticated.
but I think I’ll definitely hold on to this for the future. Ultimately, spreadsheets seem infinitely better at budgeting than any apps out there.
played around with this for five minutes and it’s pretty much exactly what i was looking for.
thank you!
I moderate [email protected] and so far I have not encountered a single disturbing post that had to be removed. I imagine in non-political areas of lemmy, people are more chill.