“Um, obviously, MY opinions aren’t political. Opinions that differ from mine are the political ones!”
“Um, obviously, MY opinions aren’t political. Opinions that differ from mine are the political ones!”
Cool people, you say?
Zero. It is well known among those that care for me that if you feel you must, I do not want it if it if I can’t eat it.
God, the police are so fucking coddled. “This shit that has nothing to do with police? A threat to police.” Anytbing to direct more funding to these fucking babies.
Seems like a good dude to me. I don’t think it was him.
I"m just going to watch youtube less.
I’m not sure if trolling or not, but, Mars is an internationa confectioner who was found to be sourcing its cacao from unethical sources.
Those morons fell for a ploy to distract from a lawsuit against Mars over slave labor that was happening at around that time, and as a result, distracting US morons.
I don’t know about anyone else, but I started doing it because I want to destroy Western culture.
Ah, a person of culture. A most pristine brown eye.
I like to think of it as a modification of a killdozer reference.
It is likely that he is going to get shit canned, but, I hope he purchases a bulldozer and modifies it during all legal proceedings.
I don’t think I"m going to eat Meatmans meat anymore.
Don’t talk to laywers without a lawyer.
Who actually makes a decent phone anymore?
What is this? Joseph Gordon Levitt’s hit movie ‘Don Jon’?
‘CIA stooges killed during CIA directed operation’
I’m seeing a lot of negativity here, and I just got to wonder: have you even thought about how the shareholders feel!?
They can’t WAIT to inject thag shit into EVERYTHING. Bro, I’m talking about gardening. I don’t care that you believe Biden is the worst president of all time.
I was getting off to adust my forks and avoid dropping my skid. My boss told me, ‘Should be fine like that.’ I listened to him, lift the skid, and it IMMEDIATELY tipped over. Your boss isn’t driving. You are.