1984 is book about dystopian future written by George Orwell. You can read it or do anything with that book noone would care.
1984 is book about dystopian future written by George Orwell. You can read it or do anything with that book noone would care.
I use lichess in order to find my mates
You are so done little guy
“She was assailed for selling “Proud Christian Nationalist” T-shirts” What does “Christian nationalism” means, when Christianity is religion and not nationality?
So its maybe?
Yeah, like (not exactly fish) fish-like sea mammal named Dolphin. He or She is Asshole
Carl Johnson (CJ) would win
Uhmmmm Akšually!! 🤓🤓 its spelled Hepi valentajns dej 🤓🤓🤓
As someone in this thread said, Ants are actually ruling the world. I mean how are they still alive after all this years?
I accidentally send you 2 million could you please send back 1 million?
Antibabypille. Deutsch ist am besten Sprache in der Welt.
I’m sorry we currently don’t have soy. Do you want children without something else?
Sometimes but mostly stalemates