This is one of the very few exceptions I have for the death penalty.
This is one of the very few exceptions I have for the death penalty.
Those landlords have necks. That’s a shame.
Woulda coulda shoulda
Thanks, I’ve always been curious, and looking through someone else’s pair obviously never worked.
But it does at least correct to somewhat clear?
What is vision like through these? Seriously.
Why buy the cow when you get the milk for free?
Eh, someone competent likely wouldn’t have their own cult.
The cartels will do that first.
I could see these chemicals being airborne and binding with rain as it condenses, rather than evaporating with it, but I simply do not know. I’m trying to build my first home and pondering somewhat radical water processing features; extreme filtration and solar distillation of rainwater being key. I’m even looking into plastic eating mushroom beds.
Can these chemicals be separated by evaporation?
He did some time in prison, then got out and apparently became a better person.
No. Build an Earthship home by recycling and reusing inexpensive, rejected materials that don’t break down easily and would otherwise become trash to affordably construct an off-grid structure that will gather and generate electricity, water, warmth, and food for potentially centuries.
Buy the cheapest viable land you can and build an Earthship home out of tires, cans, bottles, and compressed Earth. Take yourself off the grid as much as possible.
I’d also suggest a career in or adjacent to alternative energy.
They did not start this way. We domesticated them. Then we rejected them. They’re still figuring out how to be wild again. All those pigeons you see are the descendants of formerly beloved pets that we threw outside without a care around 150 years ago.
Like flushing goldfish down a toilet.
For millennia they were beloved pets and messengers. We bred independence out of them and doted upon them. Then we invented the telephone and cast them all out into the wild en masse. It’s amazing they’ve survived this well.
They are as we made them, and as we rejected them.
9 times out of 10, I won’t see your brand new AAA title for several years after release. While there are occasional exceptions, I don’t really buy at launch. Your cutting edge graphics mean nothing to me without story, characters, and writing. If you invest in looks without substance, I will never waste my time with you.
Nearly everyone seems at least slightly crazy to me, definitely including me, but especially neurotypicals.