• 3 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: August 27th, 2024


  • Son of a landlord, we set our rent lower than market price and generally get university students

    Tenants can be anything, some just pick to rent because it’s just a temporary place to stay and we don’t have as bad a problem as America does

    Our worst renter was a business owner that did not pay rent for their business location for 4 months before disappearing

    My father never evicted anyone, though A university student we once had was paying 77% less than the market before leaving after his study ended (3000 Vs 13000)

  • Each breath is slower than before, your mind enters a mist, friends surround you but not you, they are distant

    You focus, focus once more, your pupils dilate as you stare into your first born daughter, then onto your grandson, they seem almost frozen, their mouths move to talk yet it’s incomprehensible

    Their lips slap together at an excruciatingly slow pace, then as a final pang of pain enters around your chest, you feel your time stop

    The mist encroaches further.