Son of a landlord, we set our rent lower than market price and generally get university students
Tenants can be anything, some just pick to rent because it’s just a temporary place to stay and we don’t have as bad a problem as America does
Our worst renter was a business owner that did not pay rent for their business location for 4 months before disappearing
My father never evicted anyone, though A university student we once had was paying 77% less than the market before leaving after his study ended (3000 Vs 13000)
What kind of inefficent shitscape is your business that adding a new app functionality is easier, cheaper and faster than hiring more, better paid people?
Hold on, maybe this is a method of appeasing the stock holders to improve trust in them, backing out might cause people to back away
Wait, this could also be a temporary measure as they hire more people, although the damage has already been done and will show itself next quarter