Yeah those sorts of positions are usually locked to college students. So once you graduate you can no longer apply despite those being the positions you’re qualified for.
I’m a weeb girl who’s fringe in a lot of ways. Please excuse my weird beliefs, I don’t bite :3
Political views: far left economics (socialism), conservative/traditional social views. I’m an ex-atheist, turned christian gnostic. I’m happy to chat. No hate, just pursuit of truth and proper living.
Hobbies/Interests: weebshit (anime/manga/japan), video games, romhacking, ai/tech, girly cute pink stuff, politics/religion is fun. I like the occult and conspiracy stuff too.
Yeah those sorts of positions are usually locked to college students. So once you graduate you can no longer apply despite those being the positions you’re qualified for.
yeah learned my lesson. I might try again though and just lie and say I’m latina when I’m not. maybe I’ll start getting some offers that way lol.
yeah sorry I don’t have that sort of mental health to be able to just continually throw myself at a wall for years on end when there ain’t even a person on the other side.
If they’re amab and self identifying as nonbinary, they’d be transgender by definition.
How do you distinguish between the people who genuinely identify as nonbinary and those who are dishonestly doing it?
I’m a woman and wasn’t even at the event. No clue it was going on, and it seems like it’d be far too expensive for me to attend in the first place. If they’re looking for women who are eager to work for them, they’re looking in the wrong place.
>hiring for entry level
>saying people are underqualified
The problem is with the companies, not the job seekers. Actually offer true entry level positions, and actually hire the people that apply.
I’m a trans woman and don’t bother applying because I know that my resume isn’t even looked at, and the interview hurdles are just so high that they’ll just say no anyway. What’s the point if companies refuse to hire me?
Tech is overcrowded as a field and it gets worse each year. So yes.
So they identified as men, and the event allowed the men to come? Then I’m failing to see what the issue is?
this would be nice. the amount of skills and knowledge I’ve forgotten after painstakingly learning it is too damn high.
Docked my grades for literally no reason other than that he didn’t like me. I always got perfect scores in school, got a B in his class simply because he didn’t like me. Parents had to make a huge fuss about it which lead to the grade being corrected.
Every time I see something about tinder it’s just worse and worse. why would I want to use it?
waterfox is just a fork of firefox with seemingly no real benefits. I’d rather stay on the original build.
It’s the only non-chrome browser. And the only browser I can customize and that does what I want. I’ve been waiting for arc to release so I can try it out, but it seems like the development on it is taking literally forever.
I have pretty strict criteria for a browser, and really only firefox meets them. Chrome is way too locked down for me. And firefox has slowly been getting worse unfortunately.
yup, honestly I kinda use it more than kbin/lemmy. kinda hard to find content I’m after here.
There’s a difference between understanding “this isn’t going to be what it looks like, it’ll look like wood” and actually being able to visualize and “see” the wood version in your head prior to completion.
So looking at your grey version, someone with aphantasia (who isn’t a moron) might be like “I can’t visualize/imagine it as wood, could I see what that looks like?”, as in they understand it will be wood, but may have no clue what that actually looks like until it’s in front of them.
What you’re describing just sounds like a run of the mill idiot who also may have aphantasia.
yup. I thought I had aphantasia for a while because of this. Turns out, no. People with aphantasia can’t even do that #2 type. They’re just completely incapable of handling images or 3d scenes in their mind at all.
So I’m firmly in type 2. I can close my eyes and just see black/the back of my eyelids. No matter how hard I try I will never be able to “override” my actual vision. Instead, I have a sort of “mental” model in my brain which can handle imagery and 3d scenes and such, but it’s very different in experience than my actual vision. The two don’t overlap at all for me.
“ghostly” is how I’d describe it, but it’s really a different set of qualia altogether, not a “faint” version of my vision.
But yeah as you mention a few comments here kinda makes it sound like it’s just a matter of practicing visualization (trying to create objects within my actual field of vision, as well as “emphasize” or “focus” on my #2 visualization). I’ll have to spend time seeing if I can practice it…
I’d take it immediately. Whether it rolls back time as well, or just my physical/biological age, having that reset is good. For time, it lets me be able to jump on financial trends before they happen such as bitcoin. Also lets me redo some stuff I fucked up. For biological age it’s just regaining my youth and let’s me get on HRT earlier than I did which would’ve been beneficial. I kinda threw away the past 15 years, so having a redo would be nice.