My older Gen X Mom (late 1960s) is one of the most tech illiterate people I know….
My older Gen X Mom (late 1960s) is one of the most tech illiterate people I know….
I recently built a computer with only one PCIE 5 slot.
It wasn’t sarcastic. I am just stating what they call the thing they hate as.
I see this all the time on user reviews. A quarter of them are just people bitching about partisan politics.
I’m just pointing out what the Right hate nowadays or at least what they call it.
It got replaced with wokeism
I’ve been using that method for years now. Works a good number of the time.
You know that happened over 100 years ago right? Things have changed since then. If you wanted to make a good case, then you should have brought up Kent State because that one is very valid for criticism.
Also the Chinese probably boost their social credit score too for defending glorious Xi from Western dogs.
They could also withhold the nation’s food supply as well
Ironically the American military is better at it than the police are. They usually only kill someone if they were being fired at first. It’s called rules of engagement. American police have zero concept of it.
And not to do evil shit
It does exist in some trades still but that’s also becoming more rare. My father was a farmer and he was always willing to be a mentor to guys he knew who wanted to get into that industry and was willing to help out his neighbor farmers if they needed help. When he died about 10 years ago, all the local farmers came out to help and they helped my family harvest his last crop at no charge to us. Wish that was the way it was in other private sector industries.
Built my new gaming PC in November in anticipation of the tariffs.
Thankfully my Mom and I still have a good relationship. I just don’t talk politics with her, however I am willing to sacrifice my privileged place in society to fight fascism if it comes down to a civil war.
People don’t even understand what those two words even mean. The chronically stupid will stay stupid. My own mother is a prime example of this. Her brain is warped by whatever Fox News, Facebook, and health guru podcasts she listens to tell her how to think and feel. The majority in this country are just like her.
Unless the government outlaws federating/VPNs and forces ISPs to block instances.
Anthropomorphic country gay sex is something
Dude has to cope by calling everyone else a tard when he’s an actual one.