Still might be worth it to check that you’re not missing any kernel modules.
Still might be worth it to check that you’re not missing any kernel modules.
That’s a weird issue. Do you have encryption on by any chance? I had a similar error pop-up when I didn’t have the correct systems hooks for the kernel so that after install update of kernel would make the system not boot.
True. Unfortunately it seems like the shuttle design is not as perfoment as the traditional rockets. Maybe when we have orbital platforms.
The space shuttle is very photogenic 🤷
Yeah, as a male sexual assault victim, this made my skin crawl honestly.
I would rather go with it is illegal to leave a home unoccupied unless you stay there for more than X days an year, say 100.
The thought that Debian will continue into the future feels comforting. How cool it would be if in 5000AD kids on Mars or Europa are running Debian 100?
This is a killer feature! One of the very few reasons I keep chromium based stuff around. Now if Firefox supported vertical tab bar without having to edit the css stuff, I can finally ditch Vivaldi!
Anyone with more info or knowledge?