It’s obvious Jack Black has maxed out his Charisma stat.
It’s obvious Jack Black has maxed out his Charisma stat.
Similar story with Yesterday by the Beatles. Paul McCartney was convinced he had unconsciously plagiarized the song after he’d supposedly heard it in a dream.
I tried to get into it after completing the OG trilogy again but I just couldn’t. It looked a little familiar but just felt too different.
I might give it another go, see if it’ll work better standing on its own.
The Fender Tune app is pretty useful. It has a tuner, metronome and you can look up scales and chords. It’s also free.
This is a great move generally. I’ve never bought a new car in my life and I generally buy other expensive stuff used as well. I’ve only ever bought a couple of new guitars for example and I’ve found it’s not worth the upcharge over used.
Boardgames and video games are nice to have new but most of the time the people I buy them from have been super careful with their stuff so you hardly notice it’s been used.
Same thing with clothes. People buy so much shit that they hardly (if ever) wear it before selling it on. I’ve bought Chucks with the tags still on for half of what they’re sold for in retail. Same thing with jeans.
Also it’s generally better for the environment to buy used.
I’m thinking yes. Assuming their dietary needs are roughly similar. However, every cat I’ve ever know has been notoriously picky about what food they like and dislike so I’m assuming big cats are the same.
Well. ‘Used to enjoy’ then.
Now, I don’t know the man personally, but I’m pretty confident to state that your dad enjoys a good wank every now and then.
Hu-mon Fe-males!
First, don’t refer to girls and women as females when using English. While accurate, it is currently a word tainted in that context by its use among incels and assholes, so it makes it seem like you’re one of those.
Unless you’re Ferengi of course. That’s just their culture.
Great podcasts! Has a fair amount of blood, gore and torture though. No criticism but I thought it’d be fair for OP to get a heads up on that.
History is bloody business
Classical music doesn’t necessarily have drums. It might have some percussion but they’re not as prominent as with a lot of pop music.
Socks and booze. But mostly socks.
I think so too.
Good. I always thought the game lacked content and was a little on the short side.
Works for Safari on iOS as well.
Get a bag of those as well if you think that helps! Make your life easier.
Buy multiple chargers and charging cables for my devices. One on my nightstand, one on my desk, one in the living room and one in my work bag.
If it’s relatively cheap, buy multiples and spread them around so you’ll never have to look for it.
Make Shit Good