The movement-sensitive laser at the desk side of the mouse does not work anymore.
Actually, the mouse is broken.
I’ll take the shoebox filled with these pills. They have to be real, because I couldn’t get my box without them.
I sadly don’t have the right USB-port for it, but I’ll try fixing it without the dongle. Which pages? Ok, Windows, Mac, ChromeOS, iOS and Android, I will probably get to fix it if I have some time.
Yeah right, you got it. Something about criticizing Israel, antisemitism and racism, right?
It says officially so and I couldn’t connect so far, I’ll let you know if I manage to connect it.
I switched from Win10 to Arch and now I do have problems with bluetooth, because my mouse officially only supports Windows. Think I will just force my mouse to support Arch (or the other way around). Still way better and faster than Windows.
Just let him read the arch with wiki.