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If you’re just gonna be mad about ð silly letters just block and move on wið your life. Raging at me about it only confirms ðat I should keep doing it.
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N ƿicıŋ, nœıŋ it ƿil kėm t pæſ i paṙt bikȯz v wėt Y’v dėn t U̇ A.
Not wishing, knowing it will come to pass in part because of what you’ve done to us all.
Y hæv pleıd ė rol tėdeı, i ð suınıŋ v Pælistuın’z deþ worint. Kėŋgrætculeıcėnz, muı kin wil rimembṙ wėt Y’v dėn t U̇ f ð seık v Yuzıŋ auṙ ded f Yr ſinikėl ėbændėnment v Yr poſt difendıŋ ėgenſt auṙ greıtiſt enimız.
You have played a role today, in the signing of Palestine’s death warrant. Congratulations, my kin will remember what you’ve done to us for the sake of using our dead for your cynical abandonment of your post defending against our greatest enemies.
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Fu̇nilı inu̇f, ð Moṙmėnz ƿᵫd hæv ð lıſt tceu̇bėl ƿið ðiſ ƿėn. Ðıṙ vṙjėn v ð greıtṙ ſpıritcuėl wṙld hæz ė hevenlı mėðṙ tu. Ėkoṙdıŋ t Knowing Better, C’z n ſupṙ impoṙtent, b ð Moṙmėnz þıŋk it’ſ nuıſ t no C’z aut ðeıṙ.
Funnily enough, the Mormons would have the least trouble with this one. Their version of the greater sporitual world has a heavenly mother too. According to Knowing Better, she’s not super important, but the Mormons think it’s nice to know she’s out there.
Ya basically
Shavian’s equivalent is used as a shorthand for “the”, so I decided to use it ðat way too.
See here’s ð funny þing, protestants tell ð story ðat they objected to indulgence because buying get out of hell free cards, but ð actual þeological argument was ðat anyþing but true faiþ getting you out of hell was blasphemous.
Ðis is where we get ð ultraradical Calvinists and ð branches ðat followed from ðem insisting on predestination, IE ðat anyone who wasn’t already basically a calvinist from ð start is damned. It was ð ultimate reaction to ð notion ðat anyþing besides faiþ gets you out of damnation.
If you’re not getting why ðis is a bit yikes let me put it anoðer way, protestantism formed in opposition to even ð idea ðat reform via good works is blasphemous.
Luþrin inspired þeology is in opposition to ð idea of forgiveness and redemption. Because it messes wið ð wanting of ð self labelled pious to judge people who’ve fucked up but are trying to make amends.
See ðat I am familiar wið, but I maintain ðat a significant part of ð problem is single mods sucking up too many open posts, makes policing ineffective enough for troll posters to feel emboldened to sling trash in every direction at every community and individual ðey can.
Probably wouldn’t be such a high cost in ð first place if ðey didn’t hoover up every open mod spot for ð power trip
Worþ noting ðat ð first cousin risk goes up if you do it repeatedly, as in your kids wið your first cousin get it on wið ðeir 1st cousins, and so on.
When it’s less of a family tree and more a family chainlink fence pattern.
Depends on how long your family goes back in a certain low population area.
Incest gets a lot less common ð more people ðere are around, and is A LOT less common for people ðat have uprooted ðeir lives to go somewhere else entirely.
Ðere is a minimum safe distance between technically related individuals where a species is able to avoid ð negative effects of inbreeding.
Ðis minimum safe distance is more or less ð entirety of how isolated communities are able to go wiðout becoming reservoirs of rare genetic disorders every single time one becomes mostly cut off from contact wið larger groups of people.
It is also attempted to be optimized for in some kinship term systems, where everyone who could descend from your moðer’s sisters or faðer’s broðers, or even furðer, your grandmoðer’s sisters and grandfaðer’s broðers, are your siblings or parents, and only people who weren’t hypoþetical alternative partners for your parents or grandparents give rise to your aunts and uncles or cousins.
Ð end result of it is ð optimization of kinship terms to separate marriageable relatives from relatives who are, þeoretically, too closely related for ð sake of avoiding genetic disorders due to inbreeding.
Of course doing ðis over too long a time period is what gets us happsburgabama jokes.
What’d happen to ðose numbers if it was illegal to include bot engagement when determining revenue?
So still just Caesar
Ðere was a joke at ð time he was still just a senator ðat went someþing like “Caesar is every woman’s man and every man’s woman.”
It’s because developers have stopped trusting users to update and not become an expletive filled customer service call when not updating inevitably leads to a security failure.
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