This is the last ad that had me paying full attention when it first came on. It was ran during the football finals season and they made two cuts, one for NRL and one for AFL. https://youtu.be/gbMeKMkE_mk
This is the last ad that had me paying full attention when it first came on. It was ran during the football finals season and they made two cuts, one for NRL and one for AFL. https://youtu.be/gbMeKMkE_mk
deleted by creator
Episode 9. I saw Episode 7 at the movies and I was pretty happy walking out and it dawned on me that I’d seen it before.
I borrowed the DVD of episode 8 and pushed through.
Listen, strange women lyin’ near trees distributin’ swords is no basis for a system of government. That said, if you do pull it from a stump I’m not going to try and take it from you.
You could also swallow it by mistake and it gets stuck for years.
If I remember right, there was a spam detector bot or similar which I’m sure was third party and it either went off altogether or the project was suspended after accessing the API was going to come in.
Imma go see if the Southern Cross is still a thing. Or maybe I should just load up with two weeks of beer and wait it out. Why not both?
I’m not sure if this will be unpopular, but if the emperor somehow returned, surely he could somehow go away again like it never happened and we get the thrawn trilogy and katana fleet.
Two wizards wearing wizard hats being elevated and supported by a middle person, probably a devil by its arms and legs.
It’s spinning on its tail as the tops of the hats are leaning outwards.
They could be practicing dancing, but If they’re fighting I got no idea who’s winning. Likely they’re grappling and no one has advantage.
May I suggest the fine words of two of the best musicians from San dimas . “Be excellent to each other & party on dudes”.
I hope they never meet drop bears.
As someone who has enjoyed much of “Letterkenny”, I feel I should steer you in the direction of “Utopia”.
Pretty good. Using it much more and noticed a pretty good uptick in other posting stuff since I created my account… I’d say I have two feet in the door to a new home. . Edited to clean up as was typing initial response on the go.
Not sure this is what your asking, but the Auckland Symphony Orchestra played Sandstorm. https://youtu.be/H9r597vJbSQ .
Edit: Ive now realized orchestra and opera are different, but leaving the comment.