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pool mining on the lower difficulty pool
and yeah used gupax for the cpu so p2pool+xmrig is built in
haha i also have my own homemade linux router. debian based on an orangepi r1+
thinking about replacing it with openwrt on some more application specific hardware soon though
never heard of it tbh
not something i recorded this time. may do it next year.
i observed usually around 83 to 93 degrees celcius on the GPU. although i did see it drop to 53 degrees a few times whilst still mining. not sure what that was about as there’s no way that was a true figure.
i did override the gpu fan once or twice manually and set it to full flat out and got it down into the 70s. i found the interface for that to be kinda complicated to deal with though so i didnt do it routinely
wasnt watching the CPU
could have bought yourself a £500 gpu after and mined even more then
Not possible where i am. i live in an apartment above a shop in a busy UK town. Attaching anything to the outside of my property requires expensive permission from the freeholder.
Plus i want to move in the next year or so, so economically it wouldn’t make a lot of sense for me to do it
was fun tho. and if those coins do pop in future then i stand to make a decent amount of money.
I’ve spent more on the lottery for worse odds
I’m generally of the opinion that thermal cycles are more damaging to a gpu that sustaining high (but within tolerance) temperatures consistently over a long period of time.
I have lost GPUs before, but not yet to mining.
That said i did switch the mining off many times to play some games so probs getting the worst of both worlds…
I was folding@home on my media server as part of this experiment.
I did try and do this a couple years ago with folding@home on both machines but didn’t make it all the way through December, although i did have different hardware at that time.
I did briefly look at doing it again this year but setting it up to work with an AMD gpu seemed to be unsupported. the mining software seems easier to script with too
Yes, it does get below freezing quite a few times during that time of year. if i allow the temperature in the flat to get too low i risk pipes freezing which can cause damage.
Plus i have the girlfriend factor to think of. She likes to be warm and is loud about it when she isnt
how much was that?
I wouldn’t say it was the only significant factor but you’re right in that it was a factor. It is heating the largest space in the flat. If it got too hot in the lounge/diner/kitchen area i would open the door to the hallway and let it do the whole flat though through convection
I know. i paid £500 for this Powercolor Radeon 6800X about a year or so ago though, so if these results are to be believed then it has paid 2/3rds of it’s value back. if it makes it another year it will have paid for its self
well it worked well for them, there’s a lot more dogs than there are wolves.
well check that bottom seal, it was pretty obviously toast when i looked at it
i had the toilet running issue. turned out i just needed a new seal for the bottom of the flush mechanism.
was a little more expensive than i’d like on account of the fact that the mechanism in my toilet is no longer produced but managed to find one.
Still cheaper than replacing the lot
Learn to fix these things.
I get ants turn up maybe once a year during summer. putting some ant killer powder down when they show up usually sorts them out.
DIY isn’t too hard, plenty of vids on youtube about how to do more or less everything.
I did all the laminate flooring in the top floor of my sisters house using nothing but youtube, a dremmel and a mitre saw.
I probably should have invested in a laminate cutter in hindsight but i got it done
My dad was invested in Tesla and i convinced him to sell with this one simple truth
There is very little overlap in the venn diagram of people who would buy teslas and the people who think what musk is doing is good.
he is seriously pissing off his customer base
absolute banger of a song btw