R34 is also short for rule 34 - “if it exists, there’s porn of it on the internet”
So if you search R34 and anything, you’ll get porn.
R34 is also short for rule 34 - “if it exists, there’s porn of it on the internet”
So if you search R34 and anything, you’ll get porn.
They’re talking about pulling it open as in the pic, which makes it get cold, let’s all the goodness fall out and ruins the dippiness imo.
But you do you, I’m not your abuella.
It’s a birria taco but your point still stands.
The current version of Peggle is utterly unplayable, monetised trash.
However, I recently dug out a first gen iPod touch that hasn’t been connected to the internet in ~15 years, it’s got 1 game on it, og Peggle.
It’s gained a new lease of life as a standalone peggle console and I love it.
ingredients to a recipe may well be subject to copyright, which is why food writers make sure their recipes are “unique” in some small way. Enough to make them different enough to avoid accusations of direct plagiarism.
E: removed unnecessary snark
Does it have to be sign? What about a chat app?
He’s the 37th of the Dirtnapbrian clan, I thought that was obvious.
The burden of proof is on you there bud.
If you want to make extraordinary claims like “I came into your room and implanted your memories”, then you’re going to have to provide some evidence for that. I don’t need to do anything.
You’re also completely missing the point of the original post and my response. There was never any questions about whether memories are real, the question was whether the memory of a thing has the same value as the real time experience of a thing.
(Also, at least I’ve got a prosthetic brain, you’re clearly still on the waiting list :p)
Can you not tell the difference between memory and reality?
Don’t get me wrong, it would be absolutely incredible having such perfect recall that memories are indistinguishable from the present, I just don’t think that’s a trait many humans naturally possess.
Me too buddy, me too… but they will, and I have hope that someone will find a way to do the same thing to the sequels that people have done to the prequels.
Edit: changed my wording
And that’s Everything!
What I’m getting at is that the way you’re talking about the sequels is exactly the way people spoke about the prequels when they came out.
I hated the prequels when they came out, I still think they’re basically unwatchable. But they weren’t aimed at me, and a whole new generation of SW fans grew up with a deep fondness for them.
I expect we’ll see the same thing with the sequels.
One swing, ahead of the sword
Someone in 20 years: Say what you will about the sequels, at least they’re not the threquels.
That’s my take on it too. It could just be natural selection - noisy, young Civs get eaten by the big bad space predator, while inherently quieter Civs survive.
So the universe could be full of life but it’s the sort of life that doesn’t attract attention.
There doesn’t even have to be a “big bad” in this situation either, it could simply be that the sort of life that creates noisy Civs, is also the kind of life that ends up annihilating itself before it gets advanced enough to be able to make contact with others. That sort of crosses over into the Great Filter though.
This is from The Never Ending Story, Op’s pic is from the Dark Crystal isn’t it?
Or are you just adding this to the trauma pile?
I believe Starling Bank and Monzo both do virtual cards (looks like you need to pay for a Plus account in Monzo but it comes free with Starling).
This has to be canon right?
I think what you’re asking about is called Archeological context.
The basic gist is that archeologists will be able to date not just the find itself, but the soil it’s in and other potential finds within the same layer of soil/around the site.
So you’re right, if you just found two Roman swords on a bench in the Cotswolds, you probably couldn’t infer from that that the Roman military had definitely been present. But if you find them in a specific layer of soil along with other Roman artifacts, that starts to build up context around the find. The more evidence you collect, the better able you are to put a date on when the swords arrived at your site.
You’re cold to the touch.
Eat it, see what happens.