Sure it is. You can define language all you want, the goal is to communicate with each other. The definition follows usage, not the other way around. Just look up the current definition for literally…
Sure it is. You can define language all you want, the goal is to communicate with each other. The definition follows usage, not the other way around. Just look up the current definition for literally…
Me, too. But it also means when some people say “that’s a lie” they’re not accusing you of anything, just remarking you’re wrong. And that can lead to misunderstandings.
I’ve had this lengthy discussion before. Some people define a lie as an untrue statement, while others additionally require intent to deceive.
E: you can stop arguing about definitions and logic. The fact remains that some people will refer to untrue statements as lies, no matter what the dictionary says.
I didn’t want to join a WoW guild bc they mandated TS - which obviously makes sense. Back then, no chance. Today? Maybe? If there’s an interesting conversation.
You would have been stronger together, though.
Hey, it just takes one unhinged rich dude to not think for a second, and I can count many years of combined thoughtlessness from just one idiot alone.
I like where this is going.
No, my Blue Eyes White Aryan!
I’m sure backups and redundancies are “inefficient” since “everything is in the cloud, anyway”.
Getting DNS and DHCP mixed up here.
DNS you set in your DHCP, DHCP you either disable or enable.
Set the PiHole as DNS on your router or disable DHCP on the router altogether and enable it on the Pi. The former is simpler.
Pretty amazing how much you can milk fragile masculinity. Like actually astounding how badly these people need the vague idea of manliness to survive. It kinda makes me feel bad for them, that’s learned behavior.
Just moved to Proxmox. Vaultwarden as an LXC from helper-scripts is so easy.
Oh, Siemens.
No New Zealand yet again.
It requires reflection and then the willingness and ability to accept you’ve been had. Something the MAGA fashos are incapable of, otherwise it would have happened much earlier.
You know some friend of the administration already took that spot. It was probably their idea in the first place.
Hey, buy my new CoinCoin! No, don’t research what it is, just buy it!
You’ll never take me online alive!
Well color me constipated, because no shit.
Feel free to argue with them, I’m just pointing out that there’s potential for misunderstandings. If you want to talk about an actual subject, you’ll necessarily have to navigate them.