I wonder how bad things have to get before we can request political asylum.
I wonder how bad things have to get before we can request political asylum.
Alright folks, place your bets! Place your bets now and win internet points later if you have the gift of foresight!
( A ) Elon gets off completely free because the law doesn’t apply to people with his kind of money.
( B ) Elon gets a slap on the wrist because the law “technically” applies to people with his kind of money, but not really.
( C ) Trump shuts the case down because he doesn’t want his sugar daddy “buddy” Elon to get in trouble.
( D ) The SEC throws the book at him and Elon gets the maximum sentence, because Trump is fucking sick of the “President Musk” jokes.
The kind of people who would be bothered by being accused of “Virtue Signaling” are also the kind of people who are aligned with the rise of fascism and enabling of racism on the platform. But do go on acknowledging that working for Meta is itself an immoral position.
It’s almost understandable to bend the knee in the hopes of avoiding the coming purges, but this goes well beyond just seeking corporate survival. Genuinely disgusting. It looks like the way forward for Proton will be lit by the bridges they’re burning.
Have you not noticed any of the many things Musk has said and done to suppress things like civil and worker’s rights? How he’s sucking Trump’s cock so he can dictate policy to the country? How he turned Twitter into an actual Nazi mouthpiece? That’s what he’s using his image to try to push.
A case that exists only because the Right cares more about hurting the people they don’t like than they do about helping anyone.
Sounds like a good time for a whole new benchmark model to rise to the new standard.
You’re commenting on the actions of a sitting president, you mentioned the incoming government, but it’s their fault for mentioning Trump?
Because there are only two viable choices with any chance at winning in a general election, one was “not good enough” and one wants to actively disband unions. You’re the one assuming I thought Harris would be “Good” for Unions, but even you can’t seriously think Trump won’t be objectively worse for them.
If you honestly believe Trump is better for Unions, or for just about any normal people, you’re not paying attention.
I’m sure the alternative will be much better for unions, right guys? After all, demolishing the foundations of the country is fine as long as it teaches that one politician that she could have been better!
No shit. I’m sure he won’t use his first report to try to move all space launches over to exclusively the company he owns, he’ll probably at least wait till the second or third.
So what you’re saying is Trump is probably going to pardon at least 2 of them.
Just because my house can burn down, doesn’t mean it will, so fire extinguishers and smoke detectors are just a waste of money.
It’s obvious why they’re suddenly obsessed with Raw Milk. It’s the same reason they were suddenly Anti-Vax, anti-Mask, and anti-plague-control.
Democrats said a thing, Republicans immediately reply with the opposite.
Democrats said Vaccines prevent disease, Republicans declared vaccines are poison. Democrats said wearing a mask can reduce the transmission of airborne pathogens, Republicans said masks will kill you and are illegal now. Democrats said “Don’t drink raw milk, it can transmit deadly diseases.” Republicans declare “You can take the raw milk from my cold dead hands.”
I honestly expect that if Democrats released a PSA against jumping off cliffs onto jagged rocks, because the fall could be dangerous, Republicans would immediately start taking picture standing on the edges of cliffs with the caption of “Don’t tell me what to do.”
Fortunately I absolutely get to refuse service to anyone giving me that kind of condescending attitude.
I plan to go to work like it’s any other day, including not getting any holiday pay. I will try not to roll my eyes as customers tell me it sucks I have to work, even while they themselves are the reason I have to work.
When you come own again you should reread that word salad.
I also don’t like that I’m not doing the things I should be doing. Yes, I absolutely do see that those things need to be done, no I don’t think someone else is going to do them. Yes, I wish I would just get up and get it done too.