Holy shit this has become too stupid to even follow along with. You’re trying so hard to derail the discussion that your straw men have built their own straw men.
We’re going to have to finish this here. I can’t stop laughing enough to continue.
Holy shit this has become too stupid to even follow along with. You’re trying so hard to derail the discussion that your straw men have built their own straw men.
We’re going to have to finish this here. I can’t stop laughing enough to continue.
We’re not in historical America right now. We’re in right now. In the fucking present. Right where your actions helped cause the shit show we’re currently experiencing.
So how about you stop trying to change the fucking channel and watch the program you helped create. Accept what you’ve done here. Because no amount of “what about this,” or “what about that” is going to change the present day hell we are now facing.
Do you understand what is happening? I don’t give a fuck that “there was a time….” That time is irrelevant.
Wake up.
I’ll be doing the same thing you’ll be doing, which will be nothing of any effect or consequence.
Rally all you wish. But if you all couldn’t make the change you want when we had leaders that would have been open to it, you’re not doing jack shit with one that is making protests illegal.
I’ll say this to you for the last time:
You had your fucking chance with the rest of us when we told you to vote. You chose not to. So, sorry- but… there is no high road for you here. You don’t get to pretend to remedy the very thing you helped to cause.
But go on and waste your time as you see fit.
And how has that worked in the past? People have been doing that exact same shit for decades. Even when we had presidents that didn’t dismantle all the departments that could have listened to you.
You’re wasting your time trying to fix the damage you caused. The only thing you can do is apologize profusely and promise that if we get the change to try again, you’ll actually help for a change.
So what plan do you have that has any degree of reliable efficacy exactly?
How the fuck would I know what the plan is? Do you think there are meetings? No, unlike you, I don’t presume to know what others are thinking or planning. I came to understand and accept that I don’t get to think for others a long time ago when I decided it was time to grow up if I wanted to have mature discussions with adults.
I also learned to see a straw man in the process of being built. This helps to avoid having to deal with the obnoxious bullshit that is guaranteed to happen if it’s allowed to be completed.
Stop asking ridiculous questions that are impossible for anyone to answer so they you can follow up with some ridiculous ‘gotcha’. That shit is only impressive to people that aren’t worth impressing.
That bitch needs to eat shit and bark at the moon.
You say the democrats are “worthless” when they were the ones that got out and voted. The far left is notorious for sitting their smug, entitled asses at home- protesting for single-issue bullshit while everyone else busts their ass to stand in the way of a dictator-
They you have the fucking nerve to come here land lay blame at the feet of others?
That’s some Olympic-level mental gymnastics.
So… your plan to fix the problem that we were put in because ninety million people didn’t vote, and over three million people chose to vote third part is to….
Agitate people?
You agitated the shit out of everyone on the right AND left all the way through November. How’s that work for you?
Everyone had their chance to act. That was back in November- with all the people that were trying to save democracy by voting. Those people who sat hope with their thumbs up their asses can enjoy the fruit of their smug entitlement.
“Agitating people”
……ROFL. Have fun storming that castle.
Probably my pulse. I find that very few if any AI models have a pulse.
That is probably true, and those that remain are possibly just entitled edgy teenagers that are trying to reconcile the fact that they’ve never been a part of something bigger than they are and aren’t smart enough to listen to people the that know how shit works.
I say this because back before the election, I actually spent the time to look through the comments of many of the people who were both-sides’ing the issues, and accusing everyone of being “genocide supporters.”
I found that the majority of them didn’t have jack shit to say about Palestine until around December of last year. This means that for two solid months, they seemingly didn’t give a shit.
They didn’t give a shit that is- until it became popular to.
And while I suppose there’s nothing inherently wrong with Designer Outrage™ as it’s at least helpful to raise awareness, it becomes obnoxious when they try and lord their pseudo-intellectual rhetoric over people that know better than they do- and then entrench themselves within an intellectually bereft justification to purposefully spoil an election where an entire country’s democracy is on the line.
They know exactly what they did.
They’ve all re-rolled new characters and are now playing as freedom-fighting heroes leading the charge for everyone to stop pointing fingers and laying blame.
Ironically, they’re asking everyone to fight for the same freedoms they’d have had if they’d have stopped pointing fingers and laying blame prior to the election.
Fucking hilarious. Serves them right.
I’ve never been one to revel in the misery of others, but…. I am now.
I have not one ounce of sympathy for the suffering they will cause for themselves, but I do feel a tremendous weight of sadness for those that did everything they could to try and stop is from happening and still have to suffer along-side those losers.
What is everyone doing wrong?
Failing to even try to understand the fact that nuance touches everything in between the margins of the less complicated and oft-overused black-and-white polarization of damn near everything under the sun.
The smug entitlement it takes non-voters to think that it’s the voters that are to blame for this blows my mind.
Especially when it was those the voted that tried to warn everyone this exact thing was going to happen.
Aren’t most incels men?
Prior to this news, I had no idea who she was. And now, thanks to all the cowardly conservatives- I’m hoping that like me, others are being made aware of- and have been given additional reason to support the LGBTQ+ more than ever before.
Let’s do what we can to ensure this shit backfires fabulously in their smug faces.
Yeah… she’s fucked. I wouldn’t be surprised if they anull every non-hetero marriage. And sadly, all the faces eaten by leopards will be of little consolation to those hurt by this.
And you have no plans but to yell at buildings and pretend you didn’t help cause this.