What’s the difference?
What’s the difference?
I think I’ll stick with fresh, even if frozen.
But don’t you see how doomerism contributes to the problem?
Evil triumphs when good people do nothing, but there are more good people than evil.
The trouble is, evil is great at rallying evil and demoralising good. That’s why we have to fight back.
Positive change is possible if we work together.
Stop. Please stop. Doomerism compounds the problem, it is not a neutral stance.
Has irreparable damage already been done? Yes.
Will it be worse if we don’t do anything as soon as possible? Yes. And each moment that we don’t do the thing, it gets a little bit worse.
But each moment we do do the thing, it gets a little bit better.
The Earth will relatively be 1.5°, likely 2°C hotter, regardless of what actions are now taken. But 2°C hotter is far, far preferable to 4°C.
Everything we do as individuals and societies matters. I understand it feels daunting, and I’m not really advocating for you to drive less or eat less meat, because ultimately these changes won’t be driven by individuals making the choices.
However, please please please support and push, protest, fight for societal changes for us collectively to drive less, eat less meat, and corporate carbon taxation.
Based on my tumbles with the apex predator that is my wife, yes - we tall people are very vulnerable to attack.
Then no.
“Am I allowed to run it to exhaustion?”
Decoy snail.
No I have not. Is that a North American thing?
Shh, I have successfully distracted the masses.
We’re snack siblings now.
The chip breaks in the butter, I cry out, and grab a bigger chip to scrape up the crumbs.
Solid, baby.
Yours sounds good.
Soft bread is socially unacceptable?
Also, dry cereal tends to be a pretty common snack, I’d wager.
Is that socially unacceptable? Oops.
TIL thanks.