Hotel California. I refuse to elaborate further.
I’m not sure Aliexpress is a shining beacon of workers’ rights either.
Thanks for looking that up. I’m no dietician or medical expert myself, so I have to go by the more easily digestible media. That does run the risk of being more sensationalised.
One thing I did take away from the Netflix series was that both the omnivore diet and vegan one were designed to be well-balanced. Everything in moderation works well, I suppose.
Try watching the documentary “You are what you eat” on Netflix, it’s a good intro that covers the health risks of other animal products as well.
Yeah, machine learning is going to be great for the protein revolution. For Qorn they had to run thousands of experiments to find something that tasted good. Imagine if you can model millions of experiments and already weed out 98% of proteins…
The dairy and meat lobbies are something else. It’s like smoking in the fifties.
It’s well established that there are serious health concerns when you consume animal produce (not to mention environmental and animal welfare ones), yet the industry keeps pushing back on plant-based alternatives.
How does it compare with Kagi?
Do you have any skills you can use?
You can also sign up for medical trials.
A lot of people seem to agree with you, so I’ll reassess my stance on the shampoo.
As a person with a short cut, every run of the mill shampoo has done its job. But of course your hair needs to last longer when you grow it out; so adverse effects have more time to pile up.
Soap of any kind. It’s fine if you want a certain smell, but at the end of the day it all works the same. Goes for hand soap, shampoo, detergent, body wash, etc.
Fashion clothes
Better yet: buy long-lasting stuff that is ethically produced. Primark is notoriously bad in this regard — but most fast fashion stores are.
Well obviously not… Because the nose wheel fell off.
I say there are some fair applications of SaaS. If you use a product that requires servers to be running, paying a recurring cost for however long you need the software is fair.
That being said, mandatory SaaS on a physical product with upfront cost is decidedly shitty. Especially when it’s a 50k car.
I made the switch to full Bluetooth a few years back.
Honestly don’t ever miss the headphone jack nowadays, but I’ll admit that making the initial jump was a bit of a hassle.
(yes I wash them)
I had assumed as much, but you explicitly saying so just makes me doubt it.
Since Queue has already been posted: Quay. Now spelled Kee.
Ehh… “He had one chance to do something great” almost makes it sound a bit positive. It wouldn’t have come close to making up for the complete shit stain he left on human history.
Good riddance indeed.
You should’ve acted. He’s already here.
Do yourself a favor and throw out all other food ad well, unless it’s completely sealed off. Their eggs take a while to hatch, so you don’t want to see them pop up again in a month.
Then clean the entire kitchen with a spray of vinegar and water. Pay extra attention to corners, crevices, and places like screws. Their eggs are tiny.
You can also get a pheromone trap to avoid them spreading further.