Same here. UBlock origin has been the gold standard for so long I’m surprised not everyone uses it.
My in-laws have starlink. It’s excellent and a huge improvement from their previous Internet setup. There’s no fiber on their side of town for the foreseeable future.
I’m probably going to get flammed for this, so let me just say I’m already a Linux user.
We need to cool our jets here. Windows 12 isn’t even confirmed yet, and there’s no proof that it will require a subscription. That being said, a subscription service isn’t necessarily a bad thing if it will allow users to have access to features they need, or replace other existing subscription services like xbox game pass, cloud storage, media, etc…
Agree, i have rarely seen people who actually use adblock outside my work. I had to practically tie up my entire family, in-laws included to get ublock installed on all their computers.