Welp, I recommend getting it out of your system while you can
Welp, I recommend getting it out of your system while you can
half finished bags of trailmix
Probably meaning backwards, highly conservative, people from there are seen as “hicks” or “red knecks,” have an abnormally high rate of incest and child marriage compared to the rest of the country, and any person part of a marginalized group would probably want to avoid.
And people will still insist on remaining there. I’m convinced Musk could shut down the site tomorrow, and people would continuously refresh until it somehow reappears.
Japan: We have medical knowledge from… experiments, and we’ll forever be your economic bitch!
But what if that anaconda don’t want none?
“They’ll ruin your life cause I’ll ruin your life!”
Why does every fad tech come with a huge environmental cost?
Oh so we’re applying the founding fathers owning slaves justification to queer persecution? Guess it’s okay when everyone else is doing it.
Then again nevermind. I’m used to having our history downplayed by conservatives and reactionaries, including the ones that cosplay in red.
Reminder to all my queer friends that homosexuality was criminalized under Stalin’s regime, and was not repealed until the Soviet Union collapsed.
Rich and varied nuggies?
Not everything has to be chicken nuggies and potatoes.
I prefer having a physical game collection, but with the way physical games are handled now, with more than half the game needing to be downloaded to the console to cut costs or because they didn’t finish the game before release, it doesn’t solve the preservation or ownership problems anymore.
Long distance walking. I usually pick a direction, put on a podcast or some music, and just vibe as I walk and listen.
I do it because it’s not overly complicated, allows me to relax and enjoy something to listen to as I walk, gets me out of the house and maybe towards another activity I’d like to do, and it helps me sleep better at night.
On a light day, I might do it for 30 minutes. I might go for 2 hours if I’m in good condition. I think my record was over 5 hours.
Works for me. I don’t negotiate with terrorists.
Why does this seem to only be about Instagram?
Username checks out.