I didn’t know that inflation can affect idiomatic expressions.
I didn’t know that inflation can affect idiomatic expressions.
You can smile at gorillas to taunt them as that German woman that was attacked by Bokito.
If I understand correctly, grog the caveman would be speaking Proto-Indo-European language so the pronoun I would be éǵh.
Carrying your grocery bags in one trip is materialistic and vaccines are bad addictions, got it.
I remember using internet in mid to late 90s and there were no ads, maybe OP means that period?
Google is the same. Every time I open the stock gallery app instead of the FOSS one it nags me to enable backups for my photos. And I know if I do I will be forced to pay their subscription.
Funny how they call it Africa’s third longest river instead of calling it by its name.
I’m partial to AVL trees, they are 20% faster.
Source: Ben Pfaff. Performance analysis of BSTs in system softwar , 2004.
I think It worked, I have no idea who Jessica Simpson is, is it Homer Simpson’s sister or something?
git checkout -b car
git rebase new_parking_spot
git push --force-with-lease
No, it’s when I connect with my ISP at home. If I use Mullvad VPN or if I actually login into YouTube web app, everything works fine.
Vermont is already a honorary Canadian province for producing so much maple syrup.