• 2 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2024


  • I had a discussion the other day, where people were not happy with lemmy instances not handing data over to google. They argument was that we should do everything so lemmy can be found more easily, as the only goal is to “win” against reddit.

    Unfortunately in that discussion people were not interested in using Lemmy and the Fediverse at large to create a positive vision of the internet. They just wanted to stick it to one corporation they don’t like. I don’t like reddit either, but i think we should thrive for a Fediverse that upholds decentralization, open source and non commercialization of social interactions. All the large Internet corporations want to create the opposite and have been quite successful so far.

  • Because i can search by author, type of content, communities, timeframe and keywords.

    But also i dont get your argument from the logical basis of it. Reddit did not write the Lemmy code. There is no relation as to why the reddit search function should be an indicator of how the lemmy search function works.

    You are asking why George shouldnt also be better in math than Lisa, because Jon is better in math than Robert. Just that Lisa and Robert are in completely different schools in different countries.

  • This isn’t a destroy a corporation thing, it’s a make Lemmy win over Reddit thing.

    I don’t think we will get any further here. If you cannot see why Lemmy should be more than just “win over Reddit” i dont think anything will convince you. The problems of enshittification are hitting all aspects of the Internet and companies like Google and Microsoft are a major part of it and undoubtedly more problematic than reddit.

    Again as i said, we should not focus on destroying corporations or any other external negative thing, but instead on building a positive version of the internet, so focus on a positive internal goal. Cooperating with the organizations who fundamentally oppose this vision of the internet is not going to help that.

  • Duckduckgo uses Bing for its index, so we run into the same problem with Microsoft.

    Think about the steps involved. First Lemmy servers make all data available to these companies. Now these companies can exploit this data fully. But the next step, it leading to lemmy results being featured on their website is no guarantee. They can just keep it low.

    And i dont care about Lemmy being larger than reddit. It is not just about reddit. It is about fundamentally creating a space thriving for a positove vision of how the internet should be. Handing influence to Google and Microsoft is fundamentally opposed to that.

    Finally, reddit is destroying itself. Why should we compromise ourselves, when we can just watch reddit burning itself down, while more and more people join us?

  • I’d rather have a stable growth and these resources being accessible to the community, than to have google make money off of it, who is actively engaged in destroying open spaces and enshittify them.

    Google doesnt care for traffic to Lemmy. Google cares for making money off the data they can grab. Not giving them the data directly is the only way to oppose them.

    Your idea is to finance the war by selling weapons to your enemy, to use this metaphor of yours.

  • Antisemitism is only when leftists and brown people.

    Unfortunately this is not limited to the US. Israel has employed the same strategy of shaping policies allegedly protecting Jews against antisemitism in that way. In Germany they did the same, where a recent parliament resolution mentioned crticising Israel at the Berlinale 2024 an antisemitic act, while a Neonazi trying to storm into a synagogue and murder Jews on a Jewish holiday a few years back in Halle was not even mentioned.

    It is a tool to downplay actual antisemitism, because nazis are often down for the idea of a fascist ethnostate, while it is used to attack leftists and non white people, as those are often opposed to such a state.

  • The countries with the highest population growth also have the lowest per capita emissions.

    Talks about “overpopulation” usually revolve or quickly devolve into demands for genocide of people deemed inferior, usually by their skin color not being white enough.

    The argument that population is the main driver for emissions only holds true in the scope of leaving the global economic system unchanged and continue to maximize individual consumption as the primary indicator of “wellbeing”.

    The authors of the study you linked also conclude that rich nations should embrace population decline as a way to reduce emissions. Problem is when this gets to politicians they usually flip it around.