The older you get the more your going to want that poop command to use on yourself.
The older you get the more your going to want that poop command to use on yourself.
How many times has this man retired now? I hope he takes good care of himself though. Man wrote the sound track to many of our lives.
Between this and Pokémon sleep I’m questioning why Nintendo needs to watch us sleep.
Am I missing a joke or did they spell hear as here accidently?
Still shocked they kicked out Pluto over a doping scandal.
Give it all away anyway. Screw that genie, wealth hoarding jerk. At worst he kills you and you leave a saintly legacy.
I heard of this one. I can’t help but think that this guy was just killed because it will be cheaper in the long run to excute him rather then pay to keep him in prison. I dont think this was about mercy, rehabilitation or justice it was about profit and the value of human lives.
Apprently, if this meme is accurate, he’s been running things since ancient Egypt. The calm times are just when he is in the bioscupter for his age reversal cycle. In true Randy fashion these are not at all on a regular schedule.
Also applies to Randy Random in Rimworld
This comic but panel 2 is a waffle house. And third panel with the angel says “I am afraid”
Our standards have changed we now want garlic bread and video games. Fail to comply and we shall become unruly.
Bragging is subjective.
Some take my bitching and moaning that I was up all night working on ____ because the project is a complete mess and they wanted it today as “bragging”.
Its performance review time, i hate myself and rent is expensive.
My time management is poor because my project managers is even worse
Well you should wash you hands after wiping, before you touch your phone.
Ah yhea seeing these all over Toronto. I ain’t against it (though not for it either). But I do know that nearby OCAD is a supposedly very pro Marxist art school with the resources to mass produce flyers and stickers. So this is is probably just someone’s homework.
I mean I just get headaches when games do it too much.
I 100% agree with accessibility features. This includes some of the newer considerations.
I once saw a thing where a DM (D&D) had an anonymous survey of common sensitive topics. He’d gage what his players where comfortable with prior to starting a campaign and adjust the story accordingly. Games just need this.
I think surface level info is fine for an explainer video. That’s kind if the point. He could do a little more to push people towards more detailed sources of info but he’s not worse then most other explainer and he seems to be sourcing things decently.
I watch some of his stuff but I wouldn’t blame anyone for choosing not to. The guys presentation of the research is just annoyingly pretentious and he seems to have a bit of an ego.
I get it his shtick is that he’s a hipster journalist referring to your audiance as “guys”. Its just not working for me.
I was in elementary in Canada early 90’s. My school was weird. There’s a large Mennonite community in the area where I grew up so a large percentage (more than 50%) of the kids in this school were Mennonite. For those unfamiliar, these are similar to Amish. Such farmers with strong religious views, most of them were “old order” meaning they grew up in homes with little to no electricity. They also finish school at age 12 regardless of progress. This meant that they were exempt from a lot of the classes my tiny public school had to offer. No French, computing, or Sex Ed. A lot of them were also in special Ed. I’m not going to sugar coat this. It’s forbidden from them to marry outside of their culture and only like 4 families came to the area. So there’s a lot of disabilities as a result of inbreeding with that community.
All this to say that my school had absolutely no clue how to deal with my undiagnosed autism. But they seemed to have decent funding due to the much higher needs.
I was in special Ed via French exemption status. This means I never learned french. I’d instead be placed in a room with all the Mennonite kids often in a corner trying to read. Eventually I was put into some kind of program. A neurologist should come by and do experiments on me. Nothing weird, just testing my fine motor skills. They (falsely) diagnosed me with “elementary tremors” a pediatric doctor upped this to a “retardation caused by mild down syndrome” (extremely wrong) after years of that nonsense they decided to use this crazy new fangled technology to give me a leg up with writing. I was given a Macintosh computer. I had a desk with tiny wheels and my 4th grade self had to wheel this from class to class (including “portables”). Of course this was pretty obsolete tech even for its time. My parents got me an Alpha Smart which was way better. By 6th grade I had a personal support worker to help get me caught up. I failed grades 3-6 but was ‘placed’ into the next grade anyway and never made to repeat anything.
Highschool was very different, no Mennonite, so way less funding. It was still a French exemption class but there were only about 5 other students in the class. It seemed to be less about education, or assessment of my condition. It was some watching videos and doing some analysis. It was mostly just a time to catch up on homework. Often there wasn’t even a teacher present.