It’s amazing how well and efficiently the government works to uphold the interest of their owners. True bipartisanship.
It’s amazing how well and efficiently the government works to uphold the interest of their owners. True bipartisanship.
“Fascism is when you have to infer a word from context to avoid being called slurs” (Albert Fascism, creator of the .ml TLD
What else is new?
In communist China everyone gets a daily ration of 5 crickets and tree bark scraps, that you’re only allowed to eat after giving Xi Jinping a sloppy kiss in the mouth.
The removed of fascism is always in heat
Feel like I read this headline 50 times in the last year
They were never in the business of fighting fascism. Just look at the dictatorships they supported.
That one is even more goatse looking than the N-Gage
Zorg should learn about the broken window parable smh
Some things never change.
TikTok might start being not shit after this, but I’m not risking exposure until I have confirmation
On the plus side, it would be the first time in several decades the military is deployed in a terrorist rogue state
Would be really funny if he can’t be bothered to do even that and we accidentally have a good thing happen.
Sadly, one of the ghouls will hand him a piece of paper and he’ll sign it
[Winds of Change by Scorpions playing loudly]
There was no danger of that happening, Mr. Mastodon
Security risks, like interacting with Chinese people and undoing decades of our propaganda