Damn, things are moving fast atmo ! Thx for info!
I’m sick and tired of the Capitalist religion and all their fanatic believers. The Western right-wing population are the most propagandized and harmful people on Earth.
Damn, things are moving fast atmo ! Thx for info!
Ouch. I actually thought that HIMARS were one of the few successes, but apparently that were only in the beginning, and now they are worthless. Impressive. The level of Russian EW are confirmed from other sources also. I can’t really remember any weapons that have been a success ? All the Western super weapons seem to have been failures.
Just to add: Even if we can replace the energy from diminishing fossils with nuclear etc, there are still a huge forest/mountain of essential technology and products that are reliant on fossils, and they won’t be replaced by anything. I can recommend Nate Hagens on YT for more on the ‘energy blindness’ issue, and what it means for our civilization to lose the last.
Unfortunately it was paywalled.
I’m not an expert, but ASML uses a very powerful ultraviolet ‘cannon’ to edge patterns into their layers https://wikiless.northboot.xyz/wiki/Extreme_ultraviolet_lithography, and apparently (from the few lines of article txt) the Chinese are going for particle accelerators for edging instead. I wonder if they will use a beam or just fire away on a masked wafer.
Slightly ot, I think hybrid photonic computing is the future, but that would probably also benefit from smaller construction techniques, so …go go China.
If someone is interested in chip construction and new AI trends in that area, I can recommend ‘Asianometry’ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1LpsuAUaKoMzzJSEt5WImw / https://redirect.invidious.io/channel/UC1LpsuAUaKoMzzJSEt5WImw and especially ‘Anastacia in tech’ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCORX3Cl7ByidjEgzSCgv9Yw / https://redirect.invidious.io/channel/UCORX3Cl7ByidjEgzSCgv9Yw
They have not reported on this Chinese particle thing yet, tho…
Looks like aprox. half of AI talent in US, are Chinese.
Surprised by Russia. They have a lot of skilled engineers/good education/science institutions. Anyway, they are sure to work with China now, so they’ll get accelerated quickly enough…
I’m not a Gnome expert and are using the ‘dash2dock’ extension, but if I right click on rightmost ‘show apps’ icon, and select 'dash2dock settings, I can change opacity, bg color and such.
Not sure where else to change those settings, so apol’s if this is not applicable in your case.
A few ideas/hints: If you are up for some upgrading/restructuring of storage, you could consider a distributed filesystem: https://wikiless.org/wiki/Comparison_of_distributed_file_systems?lang=en.
Also check fuse filesystems for weird solutions: https://wikiless.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace?lang=en
Alternatively perhaps share usb drives from ‘desktop’ over ip (https://www.linux.org/threads/usb-over-ip-on-linux-setup-installation-and-usage.47701/), and then use bcachefs with local disk as cache and usb-over-ip as source. https://bcachefs.org/
If you decide to expose your ‘desktop’, then you could also log in remote and just work with the files directly on ‘desktop’. This oc depends on usage pattern of the files.
Despite Hollywood movies continuously showing the fan-mazing-ness of Western weapon tech/military and the same demeaning propaganda of ‘the Russian gas-tank nation’, the truth is that Russia alone have won the weapons race - by a huge margin. Add to that China’s / Iran’s drone capabilities and everyone can see that the Western Capitalist nightmare have lost their new worldwar, completely - even before they were 1/3 in. For anyone interested in how bad and archaic Nato/West military is, look up Andrei Martyanov (YT or https://smoothiex12.blogspot.com/) or similar military experts…
OC Disappointing for the Liberals who thought they were masters of the universe and wanted a global war for continued ideological hegemony/dictatorship, but totally fortunate for every sane person on the planet. Bye bye Liberalism…
🎶 Go China, go China - yeah yeah 🎶
None. My comment was not sarcastic. I liked it and it was more honest than any normal western pov, thats all. Thanks for posting…
Good honest article…
I feel hustled, bc I recommended Signal to others :-( However, ANY contact with the US elite is a clear sign of the NSA/CIA/NED propaganda/spying network. I think It is safest for everyone, to voluntarily adopt the Russian, Chinese, Iranian, etc blocklist/firewall of western big-tech propaganda and spy methods, and seek out trustworthy open source. Oc Lemmy/federation as well as any other point of contact with the commoners are valid targets for these guy’s, but a minimum of defense like that seems to be the only way to keep the US Capitalist elite out of our lives.
Anyway, bye bye Signal. Gnu? Alternative ?
I believe https://www.pantherx.org/ is both Guix based and, I think, more relaxed on the non-guix issue. Don’t know much else tbh, but peeps interested can check it out.
Ensh*ttification = Capitalism. Every point, every annoyance, every spy attack, all lock-ins, and so on, is a result of that archaic sponsored belief system…
It’s better propaganda if it’s China, Russia, Iran, etc. And tbh, those nations are in an information war against the western propaganda machine. As long as we have an aggressive Capitalist west, I think a firewall is necessary for a proper information defense in any country. It’s hard to defend against propaganda without some control, and it’s rather naive to think that any nation won’t/shouldn’t defend itself from western information attacks. I haven’t read the article as I assume it’s pure anti-west made up propaganda as usual.
Always sad when Capitalism/monetization creeps in and cripples/pollutes open and free movements/projects :-( There are many many examples of projects dying off, converting to proprietary, etc. Luckily people are forking and creating new FOSS software all the time. I’m going more and more full FOSS, de-google/meta/m$ and so on. I’m tired always spending time changing software/workflow because of monetization creep, I’m tired of closed drivers, telemetry/spying, bitcoin scams and all the other utter garbage the Capitalist religion brings in to my life.
I have chosen Guix as my new home partly for this reason. Here, the default is that if I doesn’t compromise, I know that I won’t suddenly see these yucky things creeping into my system. That gives me a safe space where I can plan/build long term without wasting my time fighting Capitalism and all the shit that automatically follows…
I hope the Nix community finds a solution.
I totally love these ‘lets run X on this completely unrelated Y’ projects, and nested projects like running emulators in simulators etc. Nerds for the world!!
Ah, I thought I had herd of most distros, but I didn’t know what Solus was: https://getsol.us/ ‘A modern operating system to power your daily needs. Install today, update forever.’ - whatever that means.
I think there are several factors influencing when someone feel ‘bloat’. There’s the ‘purists’ that tend to optimize their system to be as ‘lean & mean’ as possible - relentlessly, and there’s the simplists that just want a simple setup/dashbord they can control - without too many options/distractions from info-bloat. Info-bloat hints to different types of bloat: filesize, dependencies, gfx details/animations, option-bloat, monetization-bloat and so on. There may also be cultural tendencies within different distro communities gentoo, tendencies from those with the emacs syndrome, or other more political groupings…
The last factor I can imagine atmo is that the level of hardware is very important and low end operators will tend to see more bloat when things run slowly - no matter their ‘bloat focus’.
I had some Pythoncode for you but couldnt get the codeblock to play along 🙃
Looks to me that using shark patterns inside a jet engine (vs as outer skin) incl hardened printing methods is a new tech, and yes everybody can eventually imitate/repeat other peoples tech, but it’ll take time to get things right, so the article seem unbiased enough.