Harambe, I miss you buddy 😢
Harambe, I miss you buddy 😢
I‘m already 35, I think that’s past the age where my youth gives me superpowers
I can feel when lights are turned on or shine at me. Taking photos with a flash for example feels like a hot wave to me. I think that is a side effect of my ASD, the poor stimulus filtering to be exact
Also I can hear most electric devices because of that. Charging them for example has a loud high frequency noise. Not just cheap chargers, almost all electronic devices
Imagine they did this that way: „hey Bob, I’ve some good and some bad news for you. The good one fist: you got promoted to Manager/VP/Whatever. The bad one: in order to make the company more efficient we’re letting go of some higher staff. So, you’re fired. Pack your stuff and fuck off until 12pm, manager Bob!“
You could go out on a date with me to make it round 😘
Thank you for your quick response!
Did you test your equipment before soldering it together? Then after soldering it does not work?
Unfortunately I did not, but the arduino and the power supply were already in use as an ambilight some months ago (I bought a preassembled kit back then). I got a new screen, so i stored the devices until yesterday, when my new LED strips arrived. Everything worked until then.
Is it three wires you are connecting: 5V power, +data (PD5), then ground connection on the strip?
Exactly. Also for good measure I also connected ground from the arduino with the ground pin from the strip. Is that a problem? It used to be wired that way before… but the old strips had less LEDs.
By this you mean that no V is seen or it is acting like it is not connected, it is binary so it has the neccasary V or it does not (0V or 5V).
I updated the fastled library on the arduino und set it to use port5 of the arduino. When everything is connected I turn on prismatik and it says it sends signals to the arduino. The work indicating led on the arduino blinks accordingly. But the led strip blink does not change. Unfortunately I have no device to measure if there is any output from the pad.
You need to make sure you did not fry the arduino. Is there a way to check it by software? But it behaves as it used to, when the old ambilight was working.
Quick search I found this short video with great information:
Thank you for the recommendations! I‘ll check them out!
I can‘t stand the smell of coffee roasting since childhood… hated it when one of my employer moved office next to a coffee rostery
My girlfriends ass?
Isn‘t the Planet called Urectum now, to prevent childish jokes?
I tried all similar products from other brands I could find, but none were as good as snyders. Some were even quite disgusting, even though they are produced by reputable brands
Taking karate lessons
I miss the pretzel snack „snyders of Hannover“ here in Germany… they discontinued them not too lang ago because of some new regulations 😢
Didn’t know that Kevin Hart also plays football! What a talented guy!
Where you don’t wanna wake up; Everything is fcked, everybody sucks; You don’t really know why, but you wanna justify rippin someone‘s head off; No human contact, and if you interact Your life is on contract! Your best bet is to stay away, motherfcker! It’s just one of those days!
Reminds me of that old southpark episode where Randy gets ball-cancer
If you want my chicken and you think it’s crispy, cmon baby let me know!
Albion from 1996. The old game from Blue Bytes. I just need the same game, but running without emulation or dosbox on new hardware and maybe some upscaling, nothing more!
Where can i get one? For research purposes of course…
Some years ago I’ve been to a blink182 open air concert with a girl I liked. And just when the chorus of the song „always“ started, warm Summer rain began to fall. It was amazing!