When we had our kid, it wasnt even mentioned. An “at request” service.
When we had our kid, it wasnt even mentioned. An “at request” service.
7 zip, VLC, Paint.net, proxmox, home assistant
Nah, I preferred USB 4 gen 3.7, 3x3, so clear and concise…
also: “password is too long, max password length is 12 digits”
Why… like, sure, cap it at 256 or something reasonable. but ive run into as low as 9 digits.
Unlike other platforms, we store your files for as long as you need them, so it is crucial that we manage our storage sustainably
I mean, its great that they offer that, but all my files dont need to be permemnant. I would love the ability to review and delete old files
facebook keeps pushing ‘vegans are evil’ and ‘lets make milk mean raw milk again’ posts on me.
Just… stop. let me enjoy my friends and groups
yep, good thing the gun was there to keep her safe, i bet her son really appreciates that.
God these news articles, and the insanity in the USA, makes me angry.
In a woodworking group im part of, people show off their home made, wood gun racks, which are scary enough, but once in a while someone posts a picture of a full gun room, with hundereds of long arms on the walls. Often people say “i bet this guy is scared of nothin”
This guy is fucking terrified. I always compare it to a fire extinguisher: You go to a friends house, and they have a fire extinguisher in the kitchen, they are sane.
You go to a friends house, they have 6 fire extinguishers in every room, including the bathroom: they are terrified.
this is so infuriating
I have a Hatch, which i have programed for my babies bed time, just play white noise sound at this time, turn off this sound in the morning, play bird song when hes supposed to wake up
I specifically got the older model, since the newer model has a lot of these basic features locked behind a paywall, while the old one they are just free.
Went traveling, and without a wifi connection it wont even do this. Apparently making an alarm clock remember its settings without a wifi connection is too much work.
we just had a kid, and we share the occasional photo of them on facebook. Usually really nice pictures, designed to make sure it wont impact them in the future.
Anything more personal is sent via direct chats, text messages, ect.
Cant image sharing personal details about my kid, the kind which would haunt them for years down the road.
while i have some significant beef with samsung’s repair-ability, i was able to get my phone repaired. Had a problem with the antenna, and for $200 CAD had a new modem and a new antenna installed at a private shop.
At least samsung doesnt ‘key’ their parts!
who could have forseen that “the app, as a hardware device” wouldnt sell well.
Thats what i want to know, i use Authy, and want to know if its worth switching for.
Meta is valued at 1.12 Trillion, which, sure, is only ~1/2 of Apples 2.6 Trillion… but Meta could invest in VR for the next 20 years without feeling the pain.
I do love my Q2 and Q3, and hope they keep pushing VR forward, which is the main (maybe only) reason i was happy to see apple join the competition.
yea, thats about how far i got. Last thing we need is more fear of something that likley wont happen…
Why have a drone drop something off, when you could bring in something much larger in a backpack
Its just an odd double standard you have, some chemicals are OK to be added, others are not. My thought process is very simple “fluoride is extremely safe, and everyone deserves the opportunity to live without cavities, lets level that playing field, the same as we do by chlorinating our water”
Fluoride is NOT a neurotoxin in the amounts the found in tap water. Everything is toxic in high enough quantities, and if you think we should ban something because in concentrate it is toxic, then we need to ban water too. If you think fluoride is a neurotoxin in the levels mandated by the FDA, please prove that.
but what if the water is naturally too high in fluoride. should we not use “drugs” to remove the flouride to bring it back to safe levels?
Should we remove the “calcium drug” that is in groundwater too? and trace iron? those are drugs the same way fluoride is, should we be removing them?
What about the chlorine we add to water to make sure water remains safe. thats a “drug”, isnt it? should we only ship raw water, and just accept some people will die?
Or should we put on our bigboy pants, and deal with reality?
you grew up on well water, which is often high in fluoride.
You likely benefited from high fluoride, and just didnt realize it.
i would have killed for that. got a 1.8% 20 year morgatge in 2021, would have loved to lock in at that.
God i wish my community fluoridated its water. Just had a kid, and anything to help prevent cavities is amazing, and low levels of floride is such an easy, risk free and cheap solution.
plus Random User Agent.