unironically using Radio Free Asia as a source
unironically using Radio Free Asia as a source
The liberal silence is deafening.
It costs me $60 just to see my family doctor, after insurance kicks in, and before paying for any prescriptions.
I do not make 30 x $3,855 per month, which is the cost proportion we’re referring to.
The fuck are you even on about? Please broadcast your mental inferiority somewhere else.
The shit liberals just go along with because it fits their propaganda is genuinely fucking hilarious.
It’s not that deep. AIPAC fucking hated how the truth about Israel’s genocide was spreading, and told their puppets to ban it.
The DNC chose to lose 3 branches of government rather than disobey Israel.
Reality: every U.S. leftist content creator has been physically visited by FBI agents and have a file maintained on them, despite never once making a threat or call to violence.
Meanwhile, China has lifted hundreds of millions out of crushing poverty and built the world’s best high speed rail system, only in the last 10-15 years.
And they make fun of Xi and criticize their government just fine.
Every accusation liberals make is a confession. Really weird how they keep acting indistinguishable from literal Nazis while accusing the left of doing the same thing.
Oh look, there it is again. Libs just can’t stop taking Ls.
ITT: Liberals try long and failing to not be racist for one second
It is genuinely one of the most enjoyable things I could imagine to watch the American empire fall in real time, as its imperial core citizens flounder and flop around in impotent rage.
That’s the thing about reality. It has a leftist bias and it doesn’t give a shit about liberals raging at their own inability to comprehend the contradictions of their existence.
The entire world basically just tried to ignore COVID and kept burying the bodies hoping everyone would stop caring. (BTW, excess death statistics are still horrifically higher than pre-2019 levels across the world)
Long COVID is a literal debilitating lifelong mental and physical disability but everyone has it now so we just don’t care.
It’s simple. The bourgeois must be eliminated or humanity dies.
Removed by mod
It is genuinely hilarious every time this happens because you check the mod log and the removed comment said some straight up fascist propaganda BS and are acting all oppressed about it
Can you even fucking imagine if this was about China? The liberal Reddit Lemmitors would be frothing at the mouth about The Great Evil. Meanwhile it’s just another boring article in the freest greatest nation in the world.
Whoa whoa whoa hold your horses, that’s how we get the Butlerian Jihad…
I will endlessly repeat this.
Do you folks remember when US schools opened back up?
Because I do. I remember entire classrooms where every single student was positive. I remember kids getting consecutive infections and the suburbanite Karens in my workplace talking about their kids 5th covid infection in 2 months as if it was no big deal.
I know I’m preaching to the choir, however I cannot stress enough how much COVID fucks you up long term.
As you stated, brain inflammation, chronic pain, literally being significantly, measurably, and noticeably stupider for the rest of your life… and look at how those kids turned out.
I couldn’t imagine a better killer for the most evil empire that human civilization has ever produced.
The logically and ethically correct response, as usual, is the one drawn from leftist theory.
Killing in self defense has been a cornerstone of human legal systems since human society has existed.
Violence comes in many forms. This time it was a bullet. It could be a denied healthcare claim. It could be excessive copays and deductibles. It could be wage theft. It could be abuse of workplace power dynamics.
Employers shouldn’t have started the violence if they didn’t want people to start defending themselves.
It’s incredible how transparently you’re admitting you have no idea what you’re talking about.
Although if liberals knew why they lost, they’d be too intelligent to be liberals.
p.s “B&G” is a different company, bud.
Sounds pretty sheltered tbh fam
They don’t even clean up vehicle fatalities in the US anymore, just haul away the body while all the blood and giblets are left on the asphalt for the other drivers to grate into the road lmao.
Comes with the territory of being a corrupt and collapsing country I’m afraid.
Since you liberals love trotting out juvenile analogies while clearly being the ones most in need of them:
Cracking down on a money laundering religious extremist violent and abusive cult used as an example of authoritarianism instantly renders your entire argument moot.
Nobody’s arguing that these “crackdowns”, if they even are happening outside the US State Dept., are bad. You’re literally throwing a fit about something that didn’t happen.
In fact, you are the ones arguing that the folks pointing out how evil Falun Gong is, something heavily documented even by Western press, are the ones that don’t know what they’re talking about.
You are the ones dismissing truth because of… reasons???
Isn’t it strange how everything out of liberals mouths is a projection?
Perfect little Americans, brainwashed to the core and you think you’re an independent thinker…
“Leave me out of your suicide cult,” they say while literally perpetuating the suicide cult of capitalism and posting a cute little bicycle meme completely oblivious to the hypocrisy, projection, and irony.
You can’t make this shit up, folks.
Really weird how it was one of Trump’s team members that told bibi “I don’t give a shit about the Sabbath” and forced Israel to kneel like dogs
Annoying, isn’t it, how reality is always on the side of leftists? Isn’t it frustrating how every component of liberal existence is a contradiction?