Good, glad it’s getting some main stream attention. If more people start taking advantage of these settings and alternatives it’s going to hurt Meta’s bottom line eventually
Good, glad it’s getting some main stream attention. If more people start taking advantage of these settings and alternatives it’s going to hurt Meta’s bottom line eventually
The reason why police have a ton of “militarized” equipment us because the military puts a lot of gear up for sale as surplus. Our county sheriffs picked up an old hummvee and MRAP for practically nothing.
Cybertrucks aren’t mil surp. Maybe years from now but not anytime soon
The maps are pretty good (at least in my area)
For the unfamiliar that’s another cool thing about using OSM data. If some of your favorite places are missing from the map you can just add it!
There’s several ways to do it but if you have a laptop the easiest way is to use the editor on openstreetmap.org. They have a quick and easy interactive tutorial to show you the ropes and then you are free to add what you feel is important!
If you are trying to minimize google maps use Organic Maps is the way to go imo. Fast loading, simple slick interface with minimal fuss. It’s a beautiful thing!
OSMand is not nearly as slick and polished and is kind of clunky by comparison. That is because it isn’t trying to be like Google maps at all. It runs fine straight from the app store but the real beauty of it is the tinkering it allows. You can make multiple map presets fine tuned the way you like it. It’s the midpoint between Organic Maps and ATAK
We are neighbors! I’m at 1342!!! (jk)
(does anyone remember the subr*ddit where everyone pretends to be in the same town?)
Large corporations like google have grown and thrived in Silicon Valley, supported by the politicians of California. So by extension they are partially responsible for enabling these companies to be the giants they are.
According to this article Google has funded 40 elected officials and spent $10.7 million in lobbying California’s legislature and Governor this year alone.
If a president (even a shitty one) was considering putting a damper on companies like google, I would not be against that. We’ll see if anything actually happens.
I’m not ditching Proton over one fucking tweet
That goes for a ton of popular musicians
I’m shocked (shocked!) that a country singer would stick with the fanbase that got her to where she is
Yeah looks like the thrust reversers were on so they tried to slow down but it wasn’t enough to matter
That way they can’t fuck up their legacy like so many public figures do. It’s better to have them die first before giving them sainthood, statues or other long term praise
I saw video of it on X and it’s as bad as it reads
They said they pulled two crew out alive. My guess is flight attendants in the back. I hope they pull through.
you joke but even the FBI encourages vpn use
no not mid conversation
Yep, not a lot but it happens
Or we could actually make some stuff in the US/EU for a change. I know it takes time but it’s probably for the best in the long run
I wish the FCC would lighten up the amateur radio rules tho. Cool stuff like Meshtastic is happening outside of licenced bands and is taking off
I see it as every employee walmart has to hire and pay to solve this problem is a local and the money will be saved and spent locally, not automatically going to be another drop in some CEO’s bucket.
The best choice is to shop local in the first place but some places don’t have that luxury. And who knows if enough local money builds up people might open their own businesses
People think that govt developed = bad. It’s a consideration for sure but if anything govt developed is so hopelessly and inherently compromised then many of the measures discussed here are useless for privacy already because they almost all run through internet, a govt created system. Even TOR. But yet here we are anyway because they are still useful systems.
Governments pour tons of time money and effort into secure communication, and not for profit, and we can still take advantage of that advancement with some caution.
Wait until they find out who started the internet. Or who runs GPS satellites
I guess that’s what the alts are for