It’s also to perpetuate a lie that they saved so much money they can give the 1% huge tax cuts. Then when the bill comes due they’ll have to cut Medicaid and ss.
It’s also to perpetuate a lie that they saved so much money they can give the 1% huge tax cuts. Then when the bill comes due they’ll have to cut Medicaid and ss.
I got the Pacifica plug in hybrid because it was the only minivan with any electric option. I have never regretted it so much. Every time I turn on the car it wants to connect to my Wi-Fi and update. I don’t want updates I don’t want my car to change and I don’t trust that they’re gonna do something shifty if I connect it to the internet. After having it for a year the transmission went out so I try to bring it in but it takes 6 weeks before they can see me. Finally they can see me and they take 2 weeks to look at it and diagnose. Then 4 more weeks to fix it. Meanwhile they keep telling me it should be done next week every time I call. Absolutely worst experience ever.
Very well put.
I’m pretty sure open source means that the source code is open to see. I’m pretty sure there is open source things that you need to pay to use.
Wait why is he despicable.
There’s a significant amount of processing going on in nut milk production. Yes you can make your own which is true for a lot of foods but the stuff you buy at the store is heavily processed.
Just because we’re the only mamal that does it doesn’t mean anything because we’re the only mamal that does a ton of stuff that doesn’t make it weird. It is definitely terrible for the planet but not sure what you mean by a significant portion of the worlds population. I’m pretty sure cheese is in almost all cultures or are you just saying straight milk.
I was asking more when was the last time they did this to see the frequency of these manhunts. Lots of people get murdered every year but last manhunt was roughly 10 years ago. I didn’t complain about your answer I was just saying how much it speaks to the police’s lack of effort in protecting normal citizens.
So 10 years ago for escaped convits. Sounds like a lot of people between them and now got murdered that went unsolved that they used very little resources for.
When was the last manhunt performed for a murder in NYC?
How so. I always thought the things like forcing them to keep children till they’re 26 and not being able to drop people for pre existing conditions were good for consumers.
No offense but you sound like an incel. Can you stop avoiding the question and just answer what a romantic restaurant is?
What makes a restaurant romantic? I’ve gone on dates at restaurants but never been to a romantic themed restaurant.
I think something that goes against their personality. Someone who hates the spotlight give an improv class, someone who’s afraid of heights a rock climbing class, for picky eaters a food tasting, I hate listening to instructions so I hate yoga so if you got me a yoga class. Even better if you go with them so they can’t back out. It’s easy to say I wanted to get you out of your shell and thought you would like it if you tried it.
What’s a romantic restaurant?
Ai training is a great one that the product isn’t hard to move so you can smack it wherever the grid has too much power. Edit: I’m not sure why the hate do people not want solar or something? There has to be a use for overproduction of energy. If not then we won’t build more solar.
Wish fulfilled and you get teleported between two floors and your just stuck like Robin Williams in Jumanji
That’s just the length, if you are comparing volumes it’s an under estimate.
My life is pretty good but one of my good friends is currently going through post partum and it’s causing manic mania. It’s hard to see someone so happy but so unstable.
The thing is you never expect it to get so bad that you might die it’s more like you think you’ll be stuck at work overnight or something like that and unfortunately it’s not worth losing your livelihood over having to spend a night at work. Unfortunately by the time people realize how bad it is it’s usually too late.
Property has infrastructure like water, roads, electrical, sewers, etc running to it that needs to be maintained. It also has things like fire fighting police surveyors etc that need to be paid in order to maintain society. Everyone could work in a city therefore the city/county/state would collect the income tax but the local town you live in doesn’t get any of that money.