Because we never stopped using it. We just decided to only use it in planes, and than built all the farms in the flight paths because nobody wanted to live there.
Because we never stopped using it. We just decided to only use it in planes, and than built all the farms in the flight paths because nobody wanted to live there.
So he’s just gonna strong arm then into doing it.
Dude even with charges, he might just have to go to a different state at most. But Florida’s pretty big he can probably just go to the other side of the state.
Trump is going to run into the same problem I believe, they’re passing through both of them
There aren’t many good replacements that I’ve seen for bless you
It sounds like they’re just not as forgiving with the noncompliance laws.
I mean that’s unfortunately better then a lot of other places.
The holes start to unravel way faster id imagine.
Unfortunately no we’re all out of those. Try back in I dunno, 28 years maybe.
Well there goes my plans for the weekend I guess…
Would you consider keeping your car maintained common sense?
Please reach me how to be so successful as to perform car maintenance.
The other guy was finished hours ago, he must be even more successful than you I guess!
And yet you still find all this time to argue on the internet? Hopefully one day I can be half as successful as you!
Why do people who are also on the internet always feel like trying to say the other person doesn’t go outside is a valid argument it’s just as likely you’re a basement dwelling virgin who hasn’t seen the sun in months as it is he is.
Yup, and I owe significantly more then I’ve put in or will ever see back. 100k might be enough to get me to a net worth of 10k max.
Would be enough money completely change my life.
Nah he made sure to approve the sale earlier this week before he did this so he wouldn’t look a hypocrite.
If you throw up enough dust it’s hard for people to see what you’re doing. It’s all smoke screen.