Less of an American thing, and more of a Shitpost thing.
Less of an American thing, and more of a Shitpost thing.
I once went to a pagan pride festival and noticed that the vendor with Norse stuff had “No Nazis” signs up. Up to that point, I didn’t know that Nazis had infiltrated Norse paganism. It sucks and it makes me worry about my daughter’s boyfriend who is really into Norse pagan stuff. I hope I have raised her well enough that she will punch him in the dick if he starts in on any neo-Nazi shit.
When I was a child, I lived in walking distance of my elementary school. One time my mom had to work early so she couldn’t be there to see me off to school. I was old enough to walk by myself at that point, but I relied on her to tell me when to go. Since she wasn’t going to be there, she told me to leave at “quarter after 7” so I could be there on time.
I left at 7:25 because a quarter is 25, right?
I got in trouble for being late to school. Instructions unclear, Mom!
I can’t guarantee the Wookie will win. Place your bets and let’s see who loses an arm.