Imagine Bryton and Tyler showing up at your workplace in the middle of a crisis to take selfies and tweet about how they fixed your problems.
Imagine Bryton and Tyler showing up at your workplace in the middle of a crisis to take selfies and tweet about how they fixed your problems.
Maybe they’ll have the best dysentery? That’s not nothin.
Meanwhile, our ACTUAL PM is saying things like:
“The most important thing right now — more important than anything else — is for Canadians to remain united. This is a time for us to pull together.”
Tariffs are the USA’s plan to “see a complete collapse of the Canadian economy. Because that will make it easier to annex us, is the second part of his thought. That is never going to happen. Canada will never be the 51st state”
But that doesn’t make good accelerationist bluster for headlines, so all the Yankee media will ignore it in favour of Canadaman Dougie.
“Damn Harris running for President did this! Dems really need to get back to their working class roots!” - MAGA, 2026
It’s the groove. And it’s in the heart.
TIL - Elon’s maternal grandpappy (born Yankee, raised Canuk, moved to South Africa for the apartheid in 1940) was a chiropractor. He and Palmer were good pals, and he graduated from Palmer’s school in Iowa in the 1920s. Went on to create and put himself in charge of a bunch of chiropractic regulatory bodies.
All the racist and nation-destabilizing shit he tried to accomplish through political appointment (of himself, ofc) failed. Last thing he published afaik was an anti-vax, anti-fluoride “it’s an international conspiracy of teh jews” diatribe.
[edit for wiki link]
Spot on. Waiting for their favourite influencer, pastor, etc to tell them to believe something else.
In theatre it’s called “suspension of disbelief.” You know what’s happening on stage isn’t really happening, but you agree to just go with it and exist in the show’s reality for an hour or so. Not meant to be a permanent state of consciousness.
Damn. Found my new favourite folk song. ty
A dragon slayer and a rogue fair maiden meet in the halls of justice. The beginning of a merry band of adventurers!
80 years old! That homecoming party is going to be absolutely epic.
op, ty for the good news today.
Peltier, an enrolled member of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians in North Dakota, was active in the American Indian Movement, which beginning in the 1960s fought for Native American treaty rights and tribal self-determination.
The group grabbed headlines in 1969 when activists occupied the former prison island of Alcatraz in the San Francisco Bay, and again in 1972, when they presented presidential candidates with a list of demands including the restoration of tribal land. After they were ignored, they seized the headquarters of the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
From then on, the group was subject to FBI surveillance and harassment under a covert program that sought to disrupt activism and was exposed in 1975.
Peltier’s conviction stemmed from a confrontation that year on the Oglala Sioux Indian Reservation in Pine Ridge, South Dakota, in which FBI agents Jack Coler and Ronald Williams were killed. According to the FBI, the agents were there to serve arrest warrants for robbery and assault with a dangerous weapon.
Prosecutors maintained at trial that Peltier shot both agents in the head at point-blank range. Peltier acknowledged being present and firing a gun at a distance, but he said he fired in self-defense. A woman who claimed to have seen Peltier shoot the agents later recanted her testimony, saying it had been coerced.
He was convicted of two counts of first-degree murder and given two consecutive life sentences.
deleted by creator
Creating Caucasians/Aryans remains the stupidest science. Bunch of hateful twits obsessed with bullshit like where Noah’s Arc was and measuring their own heads. Filthy rotten fuckers, every one of them. Paved the way for shit like
A 2016 survey revealed that of 222 white American medical students and residents, nearly 60% thought Black people’s skin is thicker than white peoples, and 12% thought Black people’s nerve endings were less sensitive than those of white people.
No matter how bad it gets, people still show up. Love that “Don’t bite the hands that feed you” sign.
If anyone’s interested, the Red Card resource mentioned in the news coverage “created by the Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC) and are available in 16 languages from Spanish to Haitian Creole to Tigrinya.” Anyone wanting to leave these lying around, you don’t need to order them. Just buy a few business card printer sheets and DIY. …
“It’s important to know that a lot of productive activity is happening in person and offline, too. Not all of it can be broadcast online, but we’ve had hundreds of people showing up to our trainings, mobilizations, and more. Keep going. Tyranny is eroded by a sea of small acts. Everything matters.” - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, sometime yesterday
Trusting your question isn’t rhetorical.
Jokes aside, the Christian Dominionists running the show want the world to burn. It’s their best case scenario, endgame or whatever. But before THAT happens, they’re meant to make God’s laws in heaven Man’s laws down here, carve their faces into a few mountains, take the last grain of profit from the earth. He with the most stuff wins because God thinks like Santa (if you have more stuff, you’re a very good boy). Don’t overthink these Good Folk. Hitler and his nazis were exactly the same flavour of Imperialist Expansionist genocidal nutbars.
Hence our current speedrun towards armegeddon. It’s why they’re all about endless expansion for the O&G and military industries. It’s why they have such a violent hate-on for that environmentalist kid, Thunberg. Hope and international co-operation for the common good are absolutely their enemy. Their World To Come requires war.
If you think like they do, of course you want to piss off anyone willing to work with their neighbour. People getting along is bad for business.
Primary source, regular updates as well: https://www.canada.ca/en/department-finance/news/2025/02/list-of-products-from-the-united-states-subject-to-25-per-cent-tariffs-effective-february-4-2025.html
Since 2016 I’ve been hearing nonstop “don’t alienate your allies,” “civilized discourse,” “both sides” and on and on. Meanwhile my enemy is rage-quoting Romans 13 and advocating for immediate executions of political opponents.
Now those sort of hateful bloodthirsty fruitloops are writing memos in the White House to get rid of anyone standing in the way of God-Trump’s rule in the Whitehouse (and on earth amen). And this time they know how to break all the systems in place to protect people from evil and/or amoral folk after already having a kick at them.
“And if you speak for God, you’re an asshole.” - history books
“To say no to President Trump would be saying no to God.” - Paula White
I think trading your trombone lessons for puppet making is cool. I traded a giant turnip and a jar of pickled beets for some of my neighbour’s candied ginger last week.
Since you asked for ideas about organizing and what your fabulous ‘microscopic beans’ group might get up to:
Maybe talk to your community of regulars about being willing to mobilize in some way. Like, who wants basic disaster training. Maybe one of you knows first aid and can teach the rest. Those community meals you have could turn into bringing food to war refugees or families of stolen migrant workers out every Monday morning at the embassy (or wherever they protest regularly in your area). You can make one of your meetings about media literacy, and spotting propaganda, or if you’re all already savvy, you could create a fabulous Introduction to Propaganda Techniques performance and bring it to a mall or public square.
Poster/sticker campaigns telling people which media are Feeding them nazi shit are really helpful atm. No idea what your jam session might make out of an action like that, but artists jailbreak people’s programming in nifty ways no one expects. You could have everyone learn Jesse Welles’ War Isn’t Murder song and flash mob it somewhere.
Also, and this is where I know NOTHING about you, so apologies if it’s too personal or presumptuous.
I remember the G20 up here in Toronto really well. I remember them putting up those barricades all over downtown, telling locals not to go outside in our own neighbourhoods, them rounding up people the nights before protests, getting kettled and on. That shit is absolutely traumatizing, and you’re right: all bets are off when it comes to safety at protests where you are. Your safety is solely in the hands of the protester next to you, as theirs is in yours, just like always. My advice is to ask your group if anyone else feels traumatized by past protests in a similar way. Maybe the number is higher than you think. Maybe they want to talk about like, feelings and stuff. Maybe you can make something out of that (tactics, actions), or maybe it’s just a conversation. Either way, win-win.