Keyboard feels great to use but their current layout sucks majorly
Keyboard feels great to use but their current layout sucks majorly
B-b-b-b-but I get a one time free tootsie roll for signing up!
And statistical analysis. The larger the universe, the smaller the true random sample you need
I watch HR jerk my boss around like this all the time lol
I mean, how many people do you know that can rebuild a car without any manual?
Marley from Marley and Me
“All this horrible shit happening has no pattern or coordination. We can ignore it” is a pretty bad take. Regardless of why these things happen they’re still tragic
You didn’t do anything wrong. We did a small wedding too and it was infinitely better than anything I could’ve hoped for with more people and that’s what really matters
Marley dying at the end of Marley and Me
Lotta cops for a little kid with a busted back
Green box is pushed against the wall like the shelf it’s on but somehow has more overhang on one side?
This is not real.
Where does the door frame siding go that runs from the floor up to the top of the wall? It just becomes wall
I mean it’s possible it’s real. But the seat of his chair has no leg under his butt cheek. If you zoom in and look at where the seat is going, you would expect a leg there at least to be visible
Left hand has a pinky/ring finger thing, the garbage can angle looks off because it comes towards you but the angle of the wall is going the other direction and if it’s against the wall, it would follow the angle of the wall
Edit to add more since I’m on mobile swapping between the two (inefficiently): the weird blue coat thing going down the back of the chair, seemingly no back legs to the chairs
Foot pedal of the garbage can is misaligned
Garbage can lid isn’t symmetrical
no buttons on his button-down shirt
The big cabinet casting a shadow the width of a chair leg on the left side (ironically right next to the chair on the left)
Shelving next to the chair’s shadow is misaligned at the bottom when it transitions from under the chair to above it
… This is an AI pic and a probably fake description to go with it
Thought it was this one:
I feel like the text should be flipped lol
It’s interesting they have multiple offices. Offices they’re already not in. If there was a time for a general strike it is forever ago.
It also ignores how hard it is to be a pilot or a train conductor vs driving a car around town. Got an easy to obtain license and some cash and you’re golden. Try to do that with a plane or train. Takes some serious education in comparison