That’s not Che, that’s Castro. Get your leftist history right.
That’s not Che, that’s Castro. Get your leftist history right.
Ok, but what if it wasn’t meat industry, but rather self-organized community eating of the rich?
This post is difamation against goblins.
Ants can be brutal. Some species of ants steal the eggs of different colonies to force them to work for their own colony. Sometimes, the kidnapped ants rebel and lay waste to the interior of the colony that kidnapped them if they think they can overpower them.
It becomes less stupid the moment you realize Elon is angry some people are allowed not to have his bullshit forced down their throats. Then everything starts to make sense.
The pandemic got exacerbated in the US because of Trump’s dumbfuck negationist policies, but even countries with far tougher positions suffered pretty bad cases of COVID.
Wouldn’t that provoke all air in the Earth to get sucked to the Moon due to the difference in atmospheric pressure?
Something that helps too is not being surrounded by people who will discriminate you for being who you are.
If you’re having kids with the express intent that they care for you when you’re old, you’re already doing it wrong.
I’m going to go with the very opposite opinion. Don’t fly with your kids, especially babies, but if you do, do it ONLY in business and first class. Working class people have enough shit without having to deal with your baby.
I’ve had to use canceling headphones for several hours a day for months due to asshole neighbours. Doing that provokes and exacerbates migraines. Using common sense and separating noise emitters from noise sufferers should always be the first step.
My siblings in Christ just because you have an unhealthy relationship with porn doesn’t mean that everyone else does too. Stop projecting your problems into pathologizing everyone else.
I’ve been dead a few times this summer.