The Ensoniq ASR-10. Fuck, that thing is heavy.
The Ensoniq ASR-10. Fuck, that thing is heavy.
Clearly the author of the original meme has never read Watership Down.
I don’t blame you, I just hope you all remember that this is being done to us by state actors, chiefly the Russians. We’ve given them the tools to do it with - our freedom of speech and the Internet, but I just hope you understand they are leveraging the stupidest among us to do all of this.
47% to 51%.
HeS UnDeRwAtEr
Remember when sites would make bad decisions and then just, you know… fucking die? Reddit’s entire existence is owed to Digg imploding like the Titan submarine.
Notice how that doesn’t happen anymore? No matter how egregious their infractions, no movements away from Twitter or Facebook - no matter how deeply they are infiltrated/compromised by runaway fascism/capitalism - nothing has an impact. No backlash, no matter how huge - is strong enough to shutter these sites and make them stop being money-printing operations.
It’s almost like there is an infinite money glitch going on and no matter what, if you’re in the “in” crowd, your shit gets to stay around no matter how much everybody thinks it smells like shit.
If judges’ orders can be ignored with no consequence, we’re done as a country.
Judges have zero recourse to enforce judgements against the executive branch. All previous executives who have obeyed an order given by a judge have obeyed it voluntarily. The only recourse would be for congress to impeach and convict the president, which of course will not happen. It’s tempting to call this an oversight by the Founders, but it seems to me that this is by design. As long as there is not a congress that will convict the president, the courts cannot truly tell the president what to do.
It’s not like Reddit stopped existing. Lemmy will (hopefully) never be Reddit. That means that some itches Reddit will still have to scratch.
I’m rocking an SE2 and probably next year I’ll reluctantly upgrade to an SE3, which I will keep for at least two more years. After that, I’m fairly certain I’m cooked, as all available phones will be faceid phablets. FML.
It’s OK, you’re wrong.
In 2023, Huttle was sentenced to six months in federal prison and a year of supervised release for taking part in the riot at the U.S. Capitol.
back to being a riot again is it
I’m enthralled by the deftness with which the Catholic Church, summarily reviled for most of its existence in these Protestant United States, has managed to put itself at the forefront of receiving government largesse to improve its situation (and I’m looking at you, Steve Bannon).
The fact that the first Catholic President was JFK and the second was Joe Biden serves to demonstrate that Catholicism has (historically) had a pretty hard road of it in America.
But that was then, this is now. Religion is actually dying and because of this, the distinctions between denominations are increasingly not understood. The struggle of the new (conspicuously religious) Nazi proletariat only require the trappings of religion (because actual belief is beyond passe - love thy neighbor? please) and therefore all religion is acceptable.
Until it isn’t. And it won’t be secular forces that make it so. Catholicism has not (for several thousand years) been in the business of playing nice with competitors.
Did he vote for Trump? Not trying to be provocative, just curious.
How do you feel about blaster? I had it recommended to me and some old spark plugs I hit it with came right out.
While it’s true that people can’t take a joke anymore, it’s also true that back when an ad like this might have appeared, these kinds of jokes were considered vulgar and wouldn’t be in print, at least not hawking a product from a reputable company.
They are both beholden to Putin, very likely afraid for their lives and rightfully so. Putin is a billionaire but he also has a state apparatus with global reach behind him that he is intimately familiar with. He has demonstrated repeatedly over the years that he is willing and able to use that apparatus to… make people fall out of windows, etc. And all of this doesn’t even consider the possibility of kompromat - these are all deeply bad people.
I believe Putin is the real mastermind behind everything that is going on and also that he has realized that Trump is of limited value to him in the White House. Trump’s cult gets him in, but he had four years already and really didn’t make a lot of inroads (not to mention his visibly declining health).
So in my opinion, this is Putin shuttling in someone who can be more useful to him. The canary in the coal mine for whether or not this is true will be to see if the infighting everyone is breathlessly predicting ever materializes. I predict it will not. Elon Musk will not end up like Anthony Scaramucci.
You’ve got the right idea, that video is spot on. I quit software for “work” in 2010 and moved to a job working for myself (self directed) doing work that I felt mattered (purpose driven) and that was work that required constant self improvement, both mental and physical (mastery). I’m no longer behind a desk, I meet new people every day and I am much happier. I also write more software now than I ever did at “work,” because I write software with the express intent of supporting my self-employment endeavors - and not for anybody else.
Why is everything so glacially slow anymore. Fucking do something! I’ve been hearing about the demise of TiKTok for like three YEARS. Die already. Or don’t, I’m just sick of hearing about how it “might close” any fucking day now.
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“Money can’t buy you happiness but it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery.” - Spike Milligan