Oh, I see. And do you think you could recommend one cheapest Macro lens that’d do the job well for a beginner?
Thanks. After checking, I don’t think it’s much of a difference in price across regions/countries, as it seems to be still about 600-650usd for the body with the basic kit lens in most shops.
Thanks! Unfortunately, eBay has issues shipping to Vietnam and I’d rather not risk it. I wish I could find a reputable seller of used cameras here but I can’t. Unless I haven’t had the luck so far.
Thanks! That’s exactly why I came here asking. So in your view it’s superior pretty much in every way?
Hm, I guess it’s just popular here and more reasonably priced. Any specific lens recommendations or would the one that goes with it be perfect for the first year or so? While I’ll be learning
Thanks so much! Appreciate your valuable advice. 😊
What about Canon EOS R50? Is it better than Sony in your view? And would 28 to 75 be the best beginner choice for it as well?
Would Canon EOS R50 be a better option than the ones you’ve mentioned? And would you recommend a specific lens for that, too?
I’ll probably be going with a Canon EOS R50, but how to choose a lens?
Would a Canon EOS R50 be better than the ones you’ve mentioned? I’m especially interested in closeup macro photography
Could you please recommend a specific model and specific lens? I’m totally clueless.
Perhaps Canon EOS R50? Or Canon EOS Rebel T7/2000D? But what lens?
Why would that be better than a Canon EOS R50?
If 6D is better and is also cheaper, why isn’t it on this list? https://www.rtings.com/camera/reviews/best/camera
How much would the most necessary lens for it cost? And what lens would that be?
What would be the main difference between it and taking pictures with my Redmi Note 13 ? Would I be able to zoom in much further in with much greater detail photos overall? Or would it be a negligible difference? I’d love to try macro photography
I am, and I understand I have to learn with the tools I have: my smartphone. I’ve tried doing that but I’m mostly dissatisfied with how blurry the pictures are. I love being able to zoom in and see the little details - can’t do that with my Redmi phone.
Thanks. What do you think of the Canon EOS R50?
Can you recommend a few specific camera models?
I actually would really love to do close-up macro photography. What camera would you recommend in a 600-700usd range for that? Can Canon EOS R50 do that?
By ‘do everything length’, you mean 35mm with a crop sensor, right? Which is like 56mm in reality