That’s no mother
That’s no mother
I too would also be against the government if the government was preparing a case against me for several counts of rape.
Fuck Brand. Hope he fucking rots in prison.
Of course. Just instal FOSS operating system for it.
Haven’t seen any at all on my end.
I see you haven’t been introduced to Yahtzee Croshaw and his Zero Punctuation series. Also, Steam reviews are full of bots.
Use software like shutupwin10 or various other open source debloat scripts to remove a shit-ton of annoying features in windows. Or, as lemmy galaxy-brains would have it, JuSt uSe LiNuX
George Constanza is my spirit animal
Exactly. My policy is following: I will put out my maximum, work unreasonable shifts, pull as much as possible only if the bossman is right there beside me. Of course, my experience is outside huge corporate environments and more in SME, but I will not give a single extra fuck if I can help it. Once you do, it becomes expected of you all the time. Fuck that.
Boss makes a dollar
I make a dime
That’s why I poop
On company time
That’s on you. Don’t every let them know exactly how efficient you are. They’ll look to maximize what you initially offer, meaning they’ll load up more on you. Why not? You do more for the same amount of dinero. It’s probably too late for you at that job but now you know for the next one - always work at 80% capacity max.
Always look busy
Classic click bait title. Article doesn’t even state which dam burst. Railroad traffic is suspended which means it will be back to operational once the water recedes. Garbage title garbage article.
Supporting the developers??
Is this article written by AI?!
I would of knew itd turn out this way
Raspberry pi and kodi