Fair enough. I’ve tried using twitch on my Fedora laptop with FF and I get blocked out by their browser message so I assumed that they were restricting access to chromium only.
Fair enough. I’ve tried using twitch on my Fedora laptop with FF and I get blocked out by their browser message so I assumed that they were restricting access to chromium only.
Isn’t that just because Twitch doesn’t allow you to browse it using Firefox though?
It’s because nothing is punk anymore. Everything has been commodified, especially radical art.
I would sub. There are so many videos I know I’ve forgotten over the years.
Obligatory Charlie the Unicorn https://youtu.be/CsGYh8AacgY
Obligatory netshaq post about the reheat function https://youtu.be/dpf3bxQVLu8
We’ve been using tsp at my work for years and it works well. It is just a very basic queueing system so if you can run the job from the command line then you can run it via tsp.
Our workflow is to have concurrent jobs run on the remote servers with cron and tsp but you should be able to trigger remote jobs over SSH also if you prefer to have a single machine in charge of task allocation.
Started my fitness journey during covid and one thing I can recommend which is non-obvious to those who haven’t been training all their lives is progressive overload:
If you’re doing 20 pushups this month, do 21 next month, then 22 the month after, etc. Keep pushing yourself and you’ll get stronger than you ever though possible. Take it at your own pace though, if you push too hard it’s easy to hurt yourself.
I prefer bands like Skepticism, Impaled Nazarene, and Desecresy personally but each to their own 😉
Wait til you hear their music
As usual it is a matter of education and normalisation. I’m a rock climber and am surrounded by shredded people a lot of the time. I’m sitting at around 18-20% body fat which is high for the sport but I am considerably leaner than the guy in your photo.
I can absolutely tell that he is overweight (even with clothes) but that’s because I have invested a lot of time into learning about health and fitness and spend most of my time with people who have a ‘healthy’ BMI. If all you see are overweight and obese people every day then of course you will look at this guy and think he looks perfectly healthy (which he might well be but that’s another discussion).
The thing for me wasn’t so much the game choice but the placement. It feels like they took a big bag of 100 of the best games and randomly picked them out one at a time. If you start to ask is Y really better than X on this list then it starts to make less and less sense.
Smart Audiobook Player +1 such a good, feature complete app.
Really? I’m super curious what made you feel this way. I have to say I was pretty underwhelmed by it compared to Flanagan’s other series’.
100% agree with you. Loved the first half and was really let down by the 2nd.
The only other show that’s given me similar vibes to the 1st half of Frieren was Violet Evergarden. Not so much for the content but in the melancholic, beautiful-yet-bittersweet vibes the whole show gives off.
I think that show greatly benefitted from the limited runtime though and would have suffered if they’d tried to push it out to Frieren length.
Not my favourite but Sleepaway Camp is an absolute classic of so-bad-its-good 80s horror with an unforgettable ending.
We’ve been using QGIS at my company for almost 8 years at this point and I really love it. The python integration and deep plugin repository render it head and shoulders above ESRI. Although I admit for enterprise solutions many will still require the turn-key solutions esri offer.
The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell comes to mind. A Jesuit priest is the only survivor of a first-contact flight to an alien world and returns horribly disfigured in mind and body and refuses to talk about what happened. We slowly learn what happened to everyone as the story unfolds. Great SF novel and not religious, although it explores religion.
One of my favourite black metal albums is Rain Upon the Impure by The Ruins of Beverast. Nothing he’s done before or since comes even close to the perfection of that album.
Or Worship Him which is by far their best work.
Don’t watch it because it won an Oscar, watch it because it is a beautiful, sweet movie about animals helping each other.